A strange strain! What the h@ll is this!?!?

the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
This is our second crop and it is really a very different strain from our first. These are bag seeds that are incredibly fast growing. The pictures below are from Jan. 12 and then again this morning. These plants are producing fan leaves with 3-5 leaves. The new growth seems to be coming in with 7 leaves but the plant looks a bit mutant and freakish. I cannot believe the rate of growth! Any ideas, comments, insights?


the beekeepers

Well-Known Member
yeah looks like a good indica dom plant to me.....what is the mutant part ?
Some of the lower fan leaves only have 3 spikes. Compared to my last grow, this is like wild and crazy growth. My last 5 were tall and skinny but produced the most glorious colas. I have just never seen anything grow like these!


Well-Known Member
Some of the lower fan leaves only have 3 spikes. Compared to my last grow, this is like wild and crazy growth. My last 5 were tall and skinny but produced the most glorious colas. I have just never seen anything grow like these!
im guessing you havent seen alot of plants grow before:mrgreen:


Well i hope your buds grow just as fast and produce alot.


Well-Known Member
looks like your last crop was a sativa or sativa dom...and this one is a more indica type of plant.


Well-Known Member
looks nothing like indica, and it has some deficiencies for sure, if you wanna see an indica than check this soul assassin og, aka lemon thai crossed with og kush, that strain to me looks like a hybrid, my og isnt even pure indica and look how fatty those leaves are



Well-Known Member
looks nothing like indica, and it has some deficiencies for sure, if you wanna see an indica than check this soul assassin og, aka lemon thai crossed with og kush, that strain to me looks like a hybrid, my og isnt even pure indica and look how fatty those leaves are
thaty is definatley an indica dom plant....as far as deficiencies go maybe needs a little nitrogen but thats it....how can your plant be indica when it has lemon thai in it?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
look at it bro indicas are usually dark in color, have fat leaves and are short and squat....
It has lemon thai in it but this pheno is def. indica, if you think that o.g. plant isnt indica than your a strait newbie..


Well-Known Member
look at it bro indicas are usually dark in color, have fat leaves and are short and squat....
It has lemon thai in it but this pheno is def. indica, if you think that o.g. plant isnt indica than your a strait newbie..
look at what your saying,your contradicting your self...."it has lemon thai in it but this pheno is indica". so there your saying its not indica but indica dom,and then you say...."if you think that o.g. plant isnt indica then your a straight newbie". that looks like your saying your plant is a full 100% indica,and if we dont think so then we have no idea what we are talking about.

what i am saying,from the pictures is that they are both indica dom plants,yeah maybe yours has a higher % indica but its not 100%.



Well-Known Member
whatever bro it aint worth arguing over, what i was saying is that the plant in question is more sativa dominant to me, it has long slender leaves.
My o.g. is a indica dominant hybrid that has the traits of an indica, which leads me to beleive that the plant in question is a sativa, but who can say for sure the leaves and pictures of the plant are not enough to tell what strain or species it is (sativa, indica, afghanica, ruderalis) so i appologise for calling you a newb, and keep overgrowing the goverment....


Well-Known Member
Flashgee you make a great point...
I don't think dankright will see it that way....
When someone goes out and calls someone a straight noob etc... usually they know they are right and everyone else is wrong, despite the facts....

Dank since when did Thai strains go from Sativa to Indica??? And those leaves on your plants aren't that fat/wide.... although I think that they do look like the leaves on my OG... but mine isn't an indica... its a hybrid :)


Well-Known Member
sheckster did you not see my last post i just conceaded to the fact that i was a lil arogant and that no one is going to beable to tell what strain it is or the origin of the species so dont be a douche, but come on those leaves are not fat at all they are skinny so why even fight about it, this website is about sharing knowledge and helping not bitching over the strain of some bagseed

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Bag seed usually isn't stablized anyway. I had 3 different pheno's from a 1/4 of some kick ass homegrown that the grower didn't even know the origins of. When you get seeds from seed banks some of them will be slightly different depending on the cross..... The seed banks even state that.