A stroll down the back road


Chem D she is looking nice and getting stinky all is good

ECSD looking really nice even though she is overcrowded my jar has been empty all year time to fill it this fall!!!

Colombian Thunder Funk #2 This giant is maturing faster than her sister, still is a long ways off though.



She has speed up nicely. trichomes are attacking up, and the sweet smell of hashy, grapes, and chocolate are very enticing to the nose... She has the nice pale green/yellow leaves but still no color, but still some time to go. I can always add some color in future generations!!!



plump and stinky I think I will give her 2-3 more weeks if the weather allows. by mid Oct. she will be busting branches and filling the valley with cheesy goodness... Ready for a big fatty of this girl, outdoors taste the best.



These twins are chunking up and getting some nice crystal coverage, starting to think she might be a Nov. finisher...time will tell or weather. She has a nice earthy, chocolate, woodsy smell going on, hope she taste nice because there are several pounds on her no doubt.



These two girls are sticky sweet and packing on some weight. I am very happy with these on the road this year, in a few weeks I will get to sample some of this dank... This is the same cut that won the Sonoma Harvest Cup last year but it was run in the greenhouse instead, she looks just as lovely in the elements as in a controlled environment.



She has really started to shine here at the end. She need another couple weeks or so to finish but her color is shining through nicely, and the aroma is to die for, nice fresh woodsy/pine and a deep grape hash mingling together...yum yum yum



So wish she had more room... crystals abound and the stench of chem fills my nose, but I'm sure I could roll this whole plant in a jumbo New Years joint and call it a night. I will be sure to give her more space and light next year, she seems to really like the great outdoors!



She looked sick after the bit of rain. gave her a couple days to recover, but a branch got rot. So, I took her down to save what was worth saving. most of it will be used for capsules and butter...a few nugs look good even though she is about three weeks or more early. No Pics


Well with the colder mornings and the bits of rain we had recently has prompted me to do more chopping. When I see a little spot of rot or two I more times than not bring them down, the weather forecast has some influence also. Plus it is windy as shit today blowing pine needles into my bud...Why yes that is supposed to taste very piney!!!!

XJ 13

She is looking real nice found a little spot of rot this morning, planning on a Monday trimmer up.



I found a small spot of rot yesterday nothing today. She is looking very ripe nice cloudy trichomes and a pungent cheese smell that makes my mouth water, I think I will not push my luck any and bring her in next week as well, no need to get greedy over a little weight, she is prime!

