A Stupid question


I am using Jiffy pellets to clone with....Have had great luck with them so far (went 5-5 first round) however all of the plants are small wont get bigger than 13 inches or so. They look great but they just wont get bigger have two others from a different source and they are 28 inches or so.....same light and food.....was just wondering if when you transplant the pellets into dirt am I supposed too cut the sides or bottom or anything or will the roots grow through it.....thinking maybe they could be root bound or something IDK. I am new to this and learning on the fly thanks in advance for any constructive answers


Well-Known Member
Did you use any cloning powder or gel to help promote new root growth? If you are not seeing roots growing out the edged of the pellets then that leads me to assume you are not getting roots on them which will stop growth on the plant then after a little while it will start to go yellow and die.

You need to use rooting powder/gel or some more natural method to root them.

Willow tea works wonders rooting plants.

Search google or youtube for willow rooting tea and you can find willows all over the place, well in the UK they are everywhere.


I use Clonex rooting gel and the plants rooted fine ....just stabbing at the reason they are not getting any bigger. As I said the others are almost double the size but r a diff strain.... will just wait a little longer and then they will go into flower if they stretch and double in size they will still be nice


Well-Known Member
OK well I am a bit out of my depth as to what it may be, if I suggest any thing it would only be a guess from here on. Hopefully some more experienced growers can help.

Maybe just possibly like you say, it could be just that it is a different strain though.


Well-Known Member
I am using Jiffy pellets to clone with....Have had great luck with them so far (went 5-5 first round) however all of the plants are small wont get bigger than 13 inches or so. They look great but they just wont get bigger have two others from a different source and they are 28 inches or so.....same light and food.....was just wondering if when you transplant the pellets into dirt am I supposed too cut the sides or bottom or anything or will the roots grow through it.....thinking maybe they could be root bound or something IDK. I am new to this and learning on the fly thanks in advance for any constructive answers
can you post some pictures so we can see what they look like, there might be something else going on but hard to tell without some pics.


Well-Known Member
Don't mess with the pellet by trying to cut it open or slicing it. Move up to the larger 2-inch Jiffy pellets and you can take larger clones. Bigger the clone, bigger the plant, better your chances. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Hey Ditch, thanks for the pictures. I would slice the netting, but i have no experience using Jiffy Pellets. i have been told if you cut the root's by accident it's not detrimental to the plant. Had over 75% of a root ball shear off when we where transplanting, we freaked out. Asked the board and they said to just add some beneficials for the roots. She has recovered ok, we are getting ready to flower her. Oh and I would maybe try cutting the netting on one of the plants and see if it makes a difference for you. If it doesn't then it might be something else. Are you nuting?
Try letting the soil dry out pretty good the roots should stretch for moisture then a water and a feeding ! Try to set it up so your feeding is on routine or close to it ! I'm pretty new to the site but it's not my first rodeo and for what it takes and costs its worth a shot ! I'm sure someone on here will agree or have a better solution ? I would of tried to cut the mesh even a little just for future reference !


They actually grew 2 inches in the last week or so.....Didn't do anything different ...LOL....I still have 1 of my first 5 that is 0nly 6 inches or so its 9 weeks old very pretty gonna turn her into my mother plant. Keep her small with a lot of shoots