A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

I just like torturing Bucky and making him post idiotic claims and figures that don't add up.

Anyone on this site can go online and find a federal tax calculator, then plug in his numbers and come up with a fairly accurate tax rate.
He thinks his gross income is taxed but it's not, he's not even remotely close to 22%.
I just like torturing Bucky and making him post idiotic claims and figures that don't add up.

Anyone on this site can go online and find a federal tax calculator, then plug in his numbers and come up with a fairly accurate tax rate.
He thinks his gross income is taxed but it's not, he's not even remotely close to 22%.

still waiting on that citation.

would you accept a one or two week paystub without any names on it (not blaming you for that, just saying) posted on the internet as proof of a years earnings from anyone?

No. I would have simply taken him at his word for it. It's the internet for fuck sake. Who gives a shit?
people in the 25% tax bracket are not eligible for the EITC, that is for people making very little, around $15k or less from what i recall.

this is why i don't take tax advice from people working at subway or online frauds like beenthere.
Well, pro tip from sandwich maker...

If you took the itemized deduction rout like you mentioned in a post above the one I'm quoting here, then you fucked yourself royaly.

Taxpayers are entitled to a "standard" deduction, I dont remember how much it is, but it is way more than $50. That is the amount you said you deducted. If you deducted that, you couldn't of taken the standard, you chose itemized and only put one in there with it.

That might explain how you ended up with a tax rate that high, fucking yourself out of the standard deduction, only to capture the infinitely smaller $50 political contribution deduction.

I have no idea what bracket you are in, depends on your pay periods. No way to tell from that stub, if memory serves, if that is a weekly, by weekly or monthly check. No way to tell how much of that year you worked. In other words, no way for me to know what tax bracket you are in and if you are or are not eligible for the EITC, you clearly fail at tax policy if you chose the iteimeized rout with only $50 wort of deductions.

It must suck to have less tax knowledge than a sandwich maker.
his claimed his reported income is $7k annually. He's saying he paid a 22% in tax on $7k. I smell bullshit.

Lol I know I am still reading through the whole thread tho.....been seeing references to this one for a while now.

Wonderful entertainment while taking a dump.
you seek to imitate buck? pathetic. At least we know where you got that "my fathers a millionaire" garbage...

Yawn. Your quips need revitalization. Your childish brain can't fathom anything creative, I know this. But at least put some thought into it.
Buck, if you're struggling on that $7k per year, I can teach you how to make a sandwich. It isn't the most glorious job. But with your hourly wage, plus tips, you can clear $400 a week. As best I remember, Subway doesn't offer an apprentice program, but they are almost always taking applications. You could learn that trade and almost triple your annual income.