A Third Rebuke to Bush on Guantánamo Bay


Well-Known Member
The reason I can off like that was because he said Dank's Illegal Aliens... I'm against Illegal immigration.
I did not wish to imply they were your stepchildren. I wanted to give full credit to your point that detainees should receive comparable treatment to the illegals.


Well-Known Member
But you most also realize that congress was lied to in the push to go to war with Iraq. Who lied to congress???? The Executive Branch.
A lot of those who were responsible for the vote to go to war are already out of office, they lost their seats in the last election.

Or perhaps they didn't bother to read the documents? Dereliction of Duty I'd call it. Or perhaps criminal negligence.
The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) provided to Congress was more "nuanced" and less "alarmist" than information given to the President.[17] However, the vast majority of Senators did not read the NIE and relied on briefings by the administration. Among those who have stated they did not read the NIE and voted positively for the Iraq Resolution are Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, and former Senator John Edwards.
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perhaps had they actually done their job and read the NIE they would've voted against the resolution, yes?

Now I did Not name the title of the thread, it was named by the author of the Article, not me.
Duly noted. I stand corrected. My apologies.

Yes the Reps do block a lot of bills going through congress as the Dems do not have enough votes to achieve a 61% majority, they have to get some co-operation from across the aisle. Most are not because of partizan politics.
The exact same thing the republicans tried to block with the "Nuclear Option" last session of congress, they are doing now, the Filibuster.
Ever wonder where the Dem block was when 98 out of 100 senators voted in favor of Patriot I & II?
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Well-Known Member
Look I'm still pissed about the Patriot Act, and it is unconstitutional. (it should be challenged) I'm not giving the dems or anyone else a free pass on that one.

I think that a lot of laws that have been passed since 9-11-01 should be challenged.

Now as far as the Patriot Act, that piece of tripe was originally penned by Janet Reno (yeah I'm talking about a democrat) under Clinton, but was rejected by Clinton.


New Member
Even I agree with him on this, I am in extreme agreement. He explaind it so any 5th grader could understand it, Kudos. Too bad he is a Fox news talking head.

BTW, thanks rollit up for fixing the color!