A thought about nitrogen...plz help


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I am currently growing a white fire X girl scout cookie clone and I'm not sure if I'm getting N toxicity (haven't fed nutes yet about 1 month since rooting) but one fan leaf on the new set thats growing is curling at the tip only about two tips and its the smallest leaf not the dominant one what I'm getting at is will my problem worsen if I transplant it to a bigger pot since I plan on flipping her? Thats if it is N toxicity. I will post a picture shortly for better verification.


Well-Known Member
My mistake its the left leaf with two curling tips and the leaf on the right has yet to grow. All I've done was fed regular water and transplanted too a bigger pot from solo cup after a week of rooting.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a little food is in order ......then see if the problem continues.......omop....
Do you think it would be ok if I just put it in a new pot with some fresh soil and continue with regular water for a few weeks? Just wondering because I know alot of people dont feed nutes the first couple weeks of life because fox farm soil has all the stuff you need


Well-Known Member
Looks like a little food is in order ......then see if the problem continues.......omop....
And isn't the clawing at tips N toxicity? Because if it was N deficiency the leaves would start to yellow at the bottom wouldn't they? Anyways thanks for your input man I already watered them with a small dose of nutes hopefully nothing goes wrong


Well-Known Member
pot up to a 3 us gallon, use a round black pot, roots don't like light, or pinched in a square pot, add 25%perlite to reduce nute burn and root compaction, no nute foir 2-3 weeks, pot up at dusk so she recovers overnite ready fr the morn, and water well ...good luck


Well-Known Member
pot up to a 3 us gallon, use a round black pot, roots don't like light, or pinched in a square pot, add 25%perlite to reduce nute burn and root compaction, no nute foir 2-3 weeks, pot up at dusk so she recovers overnite ready fr the morn, and water well ...good luck
Thats what I planned on doing in a few days when the soil dries I'm sure roots are starting to run outta room thanks man


Well-Known Member
pot up to a 3 us gallon, use a round black pot, roots don't like light, or pinched in a square pot, add 25%perlite to reduce nute burn and root compaction, no nute foir 2-3 weeks, pot up at dusk so she recovers overnite ready fr the morn, and water well ...good luck
Wish I had perlite though I feel that would be better than a layer of hydroton rocks at the bottom


Well-Known Member
Im using fox farms ocean forest
Fresh FFOF will take care of the nutes for a couple of weeks. Perlite would be better. I dunno where your at but it can be had at Wal-Mart any big box store or in bigger quantity at most farm supply stores.

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
So your worry is the leave curling of the leaf? What is your PH? What kind of light and how far? Are you over or under watering?
She looks pretty healthy too me.


Well-Known Member
Fresh FFOF will take care of the nutes for a couple of weeks. Perlite would be better. I dunno where your at but it can be had at Wal-Mart any big box store or in bigger quantity at most farm supply stores.
Thats what I heard from a few growers that you'll be good for a little while. Perlite will definitely be on my list for the next store trip. Thanks dude


Well-Known Member
So your worry is the leave curling of the leaf? What is your PH? What kind of light and how far? Are you over or under watering?
She looks pretty healthy too me.
Yeah my only worry is the leaf curling but I think I found the problem yesterday my waters ph was 5.8 I lightly watered her once with it and the next day was when I noticed the new growth clawing at the tips maybe that could be it but once the soil dries I'm gonna change the pot and soil and just feed it regular water for a bit hopefully nothing worsens because I plan on flipping her reeal soon she's a beefy one


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do anything different than what your doing..at least for now.. that plant looks great
if your only feeding plain water I find it hard to believe a plant that size is going to struggle with fox farm ocean being hot

have you foliar sprayed anything?

N toxicity.not likely....

just keep on trucking and see if it progresses.. but I wouldn't start fucking around trying to fix what doesn't look to be broke

if the leaves where curled under hard or more then I might be concerned

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sigh,,,The plant is fine....up pot to your final pot size soon. After up-potting, no nutrients for 2 weeks then start feeding a quality veg formula or something easy like Dyna-Gro Foliage -Pro all the way to finish.
If you opt for a veg and a bloom formula. Be sure to run the veg formula for the first 2 weeks after flipping to flowering times, Then start the bloom feed....
pH, a few words on pH in soil grows......Soil self pH's.....Metering the run off will only give you the pH of the run off, not the pH of the soil.....Attempting to accurately pH the soil will only plague you with problems and cost time and money. If you worry about soil pH....simply pH all ingoing to 6.5 and forget about the soil pH.......
When you water the pH will swing one way and as the soil dries out it swings back......If you use any type of pH meter to figure the soil pH. You would have to sample at exactly the same time every day and water at exactly the same time to get a day to day accurate reading!
Like I said, soil will self pH....add some myco's now and then - look up basic AACT bio tea and use that for the micro beasties...
Keep your soil healthy and it will keep your plant healthy.....

Your plant is fine - keep going
