A Tragically Missed Opportunity

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I think our country missed a rare opportunity to get back on the right side of freedom and constitutional rule today. I likely won't live to see legalization and the end of the drug war. The narco kingpins down south are probably raising a glass of champagne as are the heads of the DEA and the California prison guards.

It's tragic to watch the foundation of our country, founded on the exceptional principles of freedom and individual rights, be dissolved away in this endless crusade against a plant. It is incomprehensible to me that California citizens chose to continue the war on drugs.

How many grandmothers have to be murdered and children terrorized by the drug warriors before Americans finally say, "ENOUGH!"?


Well-Known Member
this disgusts me. I cant believe this. Cali just fucked up..................I thought one state in this stupid country was sane, but I guess not. Man this was a chance to get the ball rolling and change this country. I really dont know what to say.:-(
I guess they don't want to get out of debt.
The money they could of gotten out of taxing it would have helped CA get out of the red


Well-Known Member
Too much money was to be lost in the private and/or illegal sector + too many scare tactics + not enough truth = failure.


Well-Known Member
All the specifics of the legislation aside- this was a "big picture" loss for all recreational smokers. I would guess the majority of Americans are not interested in making money off of weed. Really, they just want to be able to buy and smoke and maybe even grow a little without hassle. An ounce at a time is plenty for most recreational smokers and whatever you can grow in 25sq. ft? If I'm not mistaken, I know I can get a whole year's worth of personal out of 25sq. ft.!. I understand there has to be a "business" side to it all but the idea that smokers would essentially say no to other smokers is heartbreaking to me. Cali missed out on a chance here-no doubt. The Government will tax and regulate ALL BUSINESS- not just weed. The idea that we can control that before it is even on the open market is foolish and unrealistic from any business perspective. First rule of business- get your product out there- worry about the specifics later. Once it is legal, the cops will not sweat it. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. It is unrealistic to expect them to write a law that says you can have what you want and do what you want without any tax or regulation! When does that EVER happen? It is my humble opinion that we should vote yes to ANY recreational use of MJ. It is a foot in the door. MM

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Too much money was to be lost in the private and/or illegal sector + too many scare tactics + not enough truth = failure.
IMO we have Richard Lee and the city of Oakland to blame for this. $200k exclusive permits for massive scale grow ops before the voting even started was arrogant, reckless, and greedy. When they did that they lost a lot of people who would have helped them out. If the entire medical cannabis community had mobilized in support this might have won. What they did up in Oakland scared people. I wouldn't have had a problem with those massive grows but they should have waited until after the voting was in. Big mistake.

Too bad. We probably won't get another chance at this for many years. Hopefully some other state can learn a thing or two from prop 19's mistakes and take the lead.


Well-Known Member
Where the authors messed up was not insuring that the MMJ community couldn't be molested.

The entire system, already in place went unaddressed other than assurances that are never spelled out in the text of the bill.

Most MMJ patients have family members that support their use of MMJ.

As in my case, they respect our opinions regarding all things MMJ related.

I was very careful to insure they knew that I opposed the bill, and why.

I didn't ask how they would vote.

How many patients are there in California?

I'd guess the number is approaching two million, based on nothing but speculation.

Most of them have family and friends.

And, not all voted NO.

BUT, I think the inability of the supporters to put our fears to rest with clear information wasn't happening, because the supporters didn't know why errors in the text could be misconstrued by law enforcement. They just made assumptions based on vague reassurances by some well known individuals.

Anyway, now we have an opportunity to get it right.

Instead of whining about what California does, get serious in your own states, or move HERE and get serious. Everybody else has.

It is the best place to live in the United States, even if P19 failed.(My great great great grandfather moved here from South Dakota in the 1880's. I bless him, every day.)


Well-Known Member
And the medical marijuana community snubs the rest of us. They continue to grow and light up without regard.....

What a crock of crap....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Don't give up! Find out what activists in NH are doing...we ALL have to get active. Check out the link above, browse the site ...very compelling trial video. THAT is why we can't stop trying!