A tribute to Uncle Ben and the Almighty Leaf

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Well-Known Member
Ahhh, it's been a little bit since I've looked at Sannies Seeds... I meant to say Silverfields.
I had thought that Sugar Punch was SSH x KF... SP is actually SSH x The One.

My mistake.
That's ok, if you look into your glass ball ending up recommending strains on hearsay and imagination such a mistake is easily made. I retract my statement about you proving that your reading and imagination made up for a lack of experience.

That was you being nice, Sativied? Wow...

I would like to see your impression of a pompous, passive aggressive little twerp then..
Now, that's a proper insult. :lol: If only everyone here could get along like that.

Silverfields I've rarely seen, 1, maybe 2 journals, I haven't grown it, haven't smoked it, so I can't recommend that one. :eyesmoke:

SP has an, imo, good variety of phenos, and ime and from what I've seen it's more often the SSH pheno. Sometimes purple, sometimes pink:
View attachment 2778787So much 'sugar' every time you crumble some of it you get a free finger-hash bonus. Check out Bigby's sugar punch journal here at RIU, he does a very nice job of both growing and describing the SP (and several other Sannie strains).

Some leftovers while trimming:
View attachment 2778808


Well-Known Member
That's ok, if you look into your glass ball ending up recommending strains on hearsay and imagination such a mistake is easily made. I retract my statement about you proving that your reading and imagination made up for a lack of experience.

Now, that's a proper insult. :lol: If only everyone here could get along like that.
Hey, Sativied... I don't know, you don't seem that bright.. Let me try to explain this to you.

When you have grown a plant as much as stocking 5 mothers from it's pack of seeds and then continue to grow 2 plants for at least a couple years... that is experience with the plant..

I have grown Sannies Killing Fields. I have also grown Super Silver Haze... Super Silver Haze is not some esdtremely vague variety of MJ. There is a genetic pool, which I have experience with. From 9 weeks to 14 weeks. I've played with a bit of the pool.

So, since I have had experience with both plants of the cross, and I trust Sannies work, it is not just using my imagination (or reading knowledge) to recommend the plant. Do you understand? I can try to explain it a little better... I'm typing this quickly.


While the colored plants in the KF pack are nice... like everyone says... the green plants are maybe a step up... my fave was this 11 wk green plant. KF 5 in my journal

I kept this 9 wk SSh as my fave. But, I couldn't let go of my 14 wk super hazy plant either. 24in+ tall colas... haaaaazy.

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Love the super hazy (14 wk) SSH plant
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Well-Known Member
Silverfields I've rarely seen, 1, maybe 2 journals, I haven't grown it, haven't smoked it, so I can't recommend that one. :eyesmoke:
Yep, those flower do look very SSH. Just like the ones I've been growing.. (except the pink)
The pink looks very beautiful.. Nice deep pink, coming from the Killing Fields.. I didn't save that killing fields plant from my pack... but I saw it during my selection process. Purty..


Well-Known Member
So much 'sugar' every time you crumble some of it you get a free finger-hash bonus.
Yep, not a bad recommendation to hand out, huh?

I get what your doing here guy. You want to point out the foolish forum kid who reads and reads and talks like he knows it all, because he read it on a forum.

Sorry dude, that's not me. I speak from experience, always have.

When you set out to go and try to establish your cred on RIU by picking out a random post and blah blah blahing... you should research your target first.

BTW, nice tinfoil skirts on your plants :lol:.. is that a TPB salute or are you serious?


Well-Known Member
No dude... seriously.. I laughed hard at your tin foil skirts.... It reminds me of jokes from the TPB. I didn't think anyone actually did that. It makes the TPB jokes so much funnier. I saved your tinfoil skirt photos to share with some other folks for a good laugh

You mind if I share the link to your grow journal with a few folks to take a look at your skirts?

Have fun dude. You got cred. Real RIU sativa growing cred. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's so fitting that the tribute to UB thread fills up with all the little UB trolls picking fights trying to sound like big bad growers with their new school knowledge.. and tinfoil skirts.. :lol:

Well done, OP. Kudos.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
:lol: You edited some more butthurt responses in. For fuck sakes dude, all I said that normally I would find it silly to recommend a strain you haven't smoked or grown, but you actually made well-informed lucky guesstimate. I guess even butthurt idiots say smart stuff sometimes.

:wall: B-U-T-T-H-U-R-T :lol:
Butthurt this butthurt that....all sounds a little anal to me.


Well-Known Member
The only thing UB ever did was show how all you fools waste your money on bullllllshiiiiiiiiiit! Shelling out that cash for snake oil because some 20 year old hippy kid at the grow shop sold you 55$ worth of Calcium (that comes out of your garden hose, anyways) .

you poor dumb bastards can't accept that there is a cheaper, smarter way to grow weed that does not require 10-55-40 bloom booster, PHing, or any other dingle fuck things sold to you at lame grow shops.

not washing your hair for 6 months does not make you a hippy BTW

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
The only thing UB ever did was show how all you fools waste your money on bullllllshiiiiiiiiiit! Shelling out that cash for snake oil because some 20 year old hippy kid at the grow shop sold you 55$ worth of Calcium (that comes out of your garden hose, anyways) .

you poor dumb bastards can't accept that there is a cheaper, smarter way to grow weed that does not require 10-55-40 bloom booster, PHing, or any other dingle fuck things sold to you at lame grow shops.

not washing your hair for 6 months does not make you a hippy BTW
Go back to the psychedelic forums.

after all that shit I talked and I get hermied like a mother fuck. That sucks. i had to pull my plants early. I started noticing dicks all over the place. So I said to hell with it and chopped it all down. The buds are a little premature and there are lots of seed sacks that are undeveloped. It looks like I got a lot of hash and personal smoke and another failed grow under the belt.
So, several lessons learned this grow 1. Get better genetics from a more tested stain 2. Don't grow in the summer without the right equipment. 3. Make sure power lights are blackened. 4. Don't talk a bunch of shit about how good your grow is going on RIU or the weed gods will bitch slap you.


Well-Known Member
Your profile pic is a fucking Meth bong.... for sure... I thought it might be for dabs but no, thats a meth bong
What's your beef with me, gimpman? Just throwing punches at anyone in fingers reach? One of Sativied's butt buddies?

Cupcake, huh. That one sure is getting thrown around a lot lately.

A meth bong?

It's just a bubbler with two glass on glass female ends.
If you wanted to be able to smoke freebase(?) with it, you would need an oil burner type part that comes out of the stem at a 90 degree angle and hangs over the bubbler/body.

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Kinda like this part that lets you connect this piece to a vaporizer... but... you would need the piece to come out away from the body.

Never smoked meth, personally. But it's not rocket science. I have smoked hash over it with hot knives... Just remove the bowl and use two hot knives over the bubbler.

View attachment 2779860

It's a little bit of an usual piece.. Take a closer look. The guy who made it for me made it as a "daisy chain(able) bubbler". With the piece in the third pic it can be connected to a vaporizer. Or, with that piece on both ends, it can be used as a daisy chain, inline. With 2 glass on glass female ends you can make it into just about anything... With a mouth piece and a bowl, it's just a bubbler.

It's a pretty piece. It ran me $250, plus $50 tip.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Truisms of the day:

>> "I get what your doing here guy. You want to point out the foolish forum kid who reads and reads and talks like he knows it all, because he read it on a forum."

>> "It's so fitting that the tribute to UB thread fills up with all the little UB trolls picking fights trying to sound like big bad growers with their new school knowledge.. and tinfoil skirts.. "

>> "The only thing UB ever did was show how all you fools waste your money on bullllllshiiiiiiiiiit! Shelling out that cash for snake oil because some 20 year old hippy kid at the grow shop sold you 55$ worth of Calcium (that comes out of your garden hose, anyways) ."

>> "you poor dumb bastards can't accept that there is a cheaper, smarter way to grow weed that does not require 10-55-40 bloom booster, PHing, or any other dingle fuck things sold to you at lame grow shops."

Play nice kiddies. :)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
What's your beef with me, gimpman? Just throwing punches at anyone in fingers reach? One of Sativied's butt buddies?

Cupcake, huh. That one sure is getting thrown around a lot lately.

A meth bong?

It's just a bubbler with two glass on glass female ends.
If you wanted to be able to smoke freebase(?) with it, you would need an oil burner type part that comes out of the stem at a 90 degree angle and hangs over the bubbler/body.

View attachment 2779854View attachment 2779855

Kinda like this part that lets you connect this piece to a vaporizer... but... you would need the piece to come out away from the body.

Never smoked meth, personally. But it's not rocket science. I have smoked hash over it with hot knives... Just remove the bowl and use two hot knives over the bubbler.

View attachment 2779860

It's a little bit of an usual piece.. Take a closer look. The guy who made it for me made it as a "daisy chain(able) bubbler". With the piece in the third pic it can be connected to a vaporizer. Or, with that piece on both ends, it can be used as a daisy chain, inline. With 2 glass on glass female ends you can make it into just about anything... With a mouth piece and a bowl, it's just a bubbler.

It's a pretty piece. It ran me $250, plus $50 tip.
I think Gimpman has reading comprehension problems, go look at the quote he posted. He thinks you were dissing UB. He just didn't understand what you said.LMFAO
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