A Videoman Challenge

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Well-Known Member
What does it matter anyway, theres so much mis-information on this site now.
I agree nongreen, awful lot of rubbish being posted on this board by people who simply do not know what they're talking about or think it's clever to constantly cut and paste information from elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
i use liquid and air to remove signature mogie. 1k hps with liquid chilled jacket and then air jacket with air conditioned air making about same signatures as standard light bulb. the same tech for the digatial ballasts keeps the whole system under the radar.


Active Member
When people get their panties too tight they say and do things they regret like here and now and that gets us in trouble being the nature of this site we don't need that lets focus on our common cause and if it works it works and if it don't it don't leason learned and that my friend is what its all about plp helping plp and then when you think you have it all figured out somebody changes the question this has been a good one everybody learned something damn and at what cost.

And after all that videoman still passes on some more good info thank you

We need to learn the laws of our area NORML.org

When they come get me the charges are misomeaner and not Federal

I check daily because these laws change very often

abudsmoker taught me to tighen it up thank you as for that Alpha1 has to away

I got a new ID starting with hushmail.com I suggest everyone do the same
I still have Alpha1 login but won't use it unless I have to
I'll be hear as someone else

being right is not good


Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Ok guys its been beat to death. We are billed by watts not amps. 1000watts is a 1000watts. No matter how many amps it is.
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