A watering question?


Well-Known Member
I know another question about watering. Right?

So, it's question time?

How many gallons of water water should I use per gallon of soil? (it a little general, I know, but give me an estimate)

I have heard of 1gal to 1gal... but this seems too high.


Well-Known Member
I water until it comes out of the bottom of the plant (make sure you get full coverage around the pot the are in). As long as you let them dry out between watering it is hard to give them to much at one time.


I am not an expert, yet, but I water my 5 gallon buckets with a gallon jug. I give each bucket a 1/2 gallon then wait a few minutes before I add a quart more, and so on until it begins to just run out the bottom. I call it quits as soon as I see the water escaping into the tray at the bottom of each bucket.


Oops, I guess at 1 a.m. after a buzz and 4 beers, I didnt notice that the plants I was tryin to help with had long since been harvested and smoked.