A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent


Active Member
i personally wouldnt have used silicone man it can leach into the water u can get grommets for bugger all man and is that plastic tub food safe as some plastics will also leach into your soup
Yeah the silicon part had to be done because, im not sure if you read it but i did buy a grommet, but as i wanted the hole low as possible, the rounding edges of the tub left a little gap that leaked water when it gave a fill, the co-polymer stuff i used is kitchen grade an human safe yes....no leaching in my rig. as for the tub PP is very safe.

Polypropylene (PP): No known hazards.


Well-Known Member
If you ever need thicker diy neoprene collars, go to clark rubber and buy 1 of those jig saw rubber mats and just cut out the holes and your good to go, they work perfect. good job with the cloner looks great


Active Member
or ya can use the grommet and put blue tac around it on the outside its totally waterproof but not sure if it leaches lol


Active Member
If you ever need thicker diy neoprene collars, go to clark rubber and buy 1 of those jig saw rubber mats and just cut out the holes and your good to go, they work perfect. good job with the cloner looks great
Man....thats what i thought MH, i was at clark rubber by 9am this morning and i tell you no word of a lie....there was nothing i could use there, it was either way too thick and exspensive or it was foam padding, more on the matress type, i was in there arguing with the bloke saying why the fuck dont you have this why you dont have that, he said i can order some sheet foam in for you, i was surprised by this cos i thought they would of had everything right there for me, but yeah man that was only the store close to me, others could of been stocked?? i just wanted now and then lol

oh and thanks.....my Mrs calls it the little spaceship grower :P


Well-Known Member
hmmm try out another store maybe youll have better luck, could be they were out of stock for some reason (a group of gymnastics girls came in and racked all there mats for busking)


Active Member
Nice one Tricka, Ill have to try that. Wow that my veg room has plenty of space. Dog got in and ate 8 plants wooot!!!


Active Member
Yes here i am
G'day mate how ya been.....since last night. lol
Did you bake yourself in the oven did you:idea:


Well-Known Member
hey tricka, good diy info you got going on here. thanks for the milk + water tip for mildew control... i have a question for you about that, but i can't reply to your PM because your mailbox is full!


Well-Known Member
good one cobber,when you goin'full on production with that sporty little number? props on the insulation and drain zactly whats needed on mine,will be installing this weekend on full res change


Active Member
good one cobber,when you goin'full on production with that sporty little number? props on the insulation and drain zactly whats needed on mine,will be installing this weekend on full res change
hey tricka, good diy info you got going on here. thanks for the milk + water tip for mildew control... i have a question for you about that, but i can't reply to your PM because your mailbox is full!
Full production will be shortly, my beans have arrived (FUCKING YES :-o.....8days!) so i will let them veg 5 of them and take clones from my best looking heathier one ;)

Shout away brother, my box is empty now


Well-Known Member
How is it beans get all the way to aussie in 8 days, but mine can't even get through customs here in 7? Damn didgeridoo playin' dingo herders...


Well-Known Member
hey trick,did you know that eatin' a mango one hour before blazin' up profoundly enhances your buzz? well its true,try it it contains myrcene the enzyme responsible for this reaction, talk about bonus!
dont you fellas have them mango trees all over the place down there? by the way that cali orange is the shiiit! some of the best weed ive smoked since that ol' skool' thai stick!



Well-Known Member
hey trick,did you know that eatin' a mango one hour before blazin' up profoundly enhances your buzz? well its true,try it it contains myrcene the enzyme responsible for this reaction, talk about bonus!
Is there an effective dose in a single mango, or is it like the L-Tryptophan in milk and turkey rumor?

Hahaha lol...where are you?
I'm close to the exact center of the continental USA.


Active Member
hey trick,did you know that eatin' a mango one hour before blazin' up profoundly enhances your buzz? well its true,try it it contains myrcene the enzyme responsible for this reaction, talk about bonus!
dont you fellas have them mango trees all over the place down there? by the way that cali orange is the shiiit! some of the best weed ive smoked since that ol' skool' thai stick!


Is there an effective dose in a single mango, or is it like the L-Tryptophan in milk and turkey rumor?

I'm close to the exact center of the continental USA.

No Med's i havnt heard that before, but there are many compounds found in everyday foods that can have affects on certain recepters and antagonists in our brain....i will further some more and seee what i think

Hey DK, yeah but we didnt have a hightened security threats with our postal service and our bad weather didnt affect our airports neither, plus we're a pretty laid back bunch, so customs are pretty forgiving on smaller CORRECTLY marked packages, simply wrapping up a t-shirt in a bag with fuckloads os sticky tape doesnt really work, especially when its bulging like fuck, stands out like dogs balls on the conveyer belt ;)
lol your so far away from a beach, thats fucked hey, do you know what they look like? lol im being a bad smartarse ;)


Well-Known Member
No Med's i havnt heard that before, but there are many compounds found in everyday foods that can have affects on certain recepters and antagonists in our brain....i will further some more and seee what i think

Hey DK, yeah but we didnt have a hightened security threats with our postal service and our bad weather didnt affect our airports neither, plus we're a pretty laid back bunch, so customs are pretty forgiving on smaller CORRECTLY marked packages, simply wrapping up a t-shirt in a bag with fuckloads os sticky tape doesnt really work, especially when its bulging like fuck, stands out like dogs balls on the conveyer belt ;)
lol your so far away from a beach, thats fucked hey, do you know what they look like? lol im being a bad smartarse ;)
I lived in LA for 4 years, yes I know what the beach looks like, smartass.:bigjoint:

As for homeland security, it's pretty fucking stupid. It's all pretty much just theatrics to make rich white people feel safer. The identifying word in that phrase is "feel". Nothing's safer because we can't bring toothpaste on the airplane, it just makes people think that things are safer. If you really want to do some damage, there's always a way to get the job done. The fucked up part is the seeds with the shirt have already made it through customs, and they were shipped 2 days AFTER the seeds with the coffee mug. Gayness.


Active Member
I lived in LA for 4 years, yes I know what the beach looks like, smartass.:bigjoint:

As for homeland security, it's pretty fucking stupid. It's all pretty much just theatrics to make rich white people feel safer. The identifying word in that phrase is "feel". Nothing's safer because we can't bring toothpaste on the airplane, it just makes people think that things are safer. If you really want to do some damage, there's always a way to get the job done. The fucked up part is the seeds with the shirt have already made it through customs, and they were shipped 2 days AFTER the seeds with the coffee mug. Gayness.
All good Keep's, i would like to visit L.A one day if i could, i had a mate go when we were in seniour highschool and he said it was crazy ;)
At least its good to here that ya beans are getting through, just all be it in a strange manner, this happens to me a lot, sometimes i get shit off ebay from the states where you are and it arrives quicker than ordering it in my own country?? go figure.

Anyways I'm off to start setting my time lapse up seening what position suits best...