A word to the growers who panic over imperfect leaves


worrying about some yellowing on your leaves?

My Hanna gro-check failed me and made me ph down to 3.5 for about 2 weeks worth of water/feed in my coco/soil mix (empire builder great stuff).
It happened right as I switched to flowering so it was hard to realize a huge problem until it was there. i figured the wilting/claw may have been they needed to adjust to the jump from 240w to 2400w. By the time I realized the issue was Ph it was too late.....every deficiency possible was in order and i was 10 days into flowering. instead of jumping back because I m on a time schedule that would have backed up my whole operation. the 4-5 weeks set back was not a risk worth taking to me.
I pushed forward, with the claw, a massive n-p-k def and a dream. 24 plants began a treatment of 6.8 ph flush, and lots of TLC. By week 3 my fan leaves I worked hard to get lush for 3 months began dying at a rapid rate everyday pulling 20 or so yellowed out leaves per plant. I was sure the plants would produce pop corn crap no one would want to smoke. Without giving up (or increasing nitrogen in flowering) ever on these plants, buds and thier leaves began showing signs of a very health plant. With my discolored blotchy fan leaves left at the end of week 6 (it was not pretty) it was time to begin flushing.
The plants at the end of week 8 were ripe stinky, sticky and never missed a beat from the last 7 or so harvest of the same strain. Overall yield was 43 grams more than my worst yield and known as "that one harvest" when i look back for answers. I have since dropped my long veg high risk style of growing for a SoG style as i have become less paranoid since the quality of my buds have gotten better ;p
So I offer this information because I see so many people submitting pics of great healthy plants with a slight blemish and freaking out. Never give up on your girls........Don't go crazy trying to fix everything like you are a "god" give them the essentials and they are bound to recover from YOUR MISTAKES, and let nature correct itself.

I have to add that I gave high regard to nitrorzime (clonex company i think) It is a great weapon for greening when you want to keep nitrogen out of the picture.... but don't fall for gimicks (most additives) just cuz I think it worked does not mean it really does... Thank for not being too mean I know im a noobie here but I have been reading for a long time and this is one of my first contributions.
Good first contribution mate.
Well done on bringing em back, its an amazing plant and sure can take a beating lol.
Good luck with the rest of your grows:)

no clue

Well-Known Member
Well said and done. My last crop also survived despite my best efforts. Growing is living


Well-Known Member
Well done mate!
I think perfection is something to aim for with the thought that if one thing goes wrong, hopefully everything else will 'hold it together'
Personally, I don't trust pH meters. My £4 bottle of pH essentials test kit lasts me a year. No calibration, no hassles.


Well done mate!
I think perfection is something to aim for with the thought that if one thing goes wrong, hopefully everything else will 'hold it together'
Personally, I don't trust pH meters. My £4 bottle of pH essentials test kit lasts me a year. No calibration, no hassles.

Sure is, but getting caught up in the "my leaves are not flawless" can often lead to bigger issues because of the whole "try this product, it fixes this" phase most hydro stores and forum users recommend. I also want to add some of my greenest plants at week 8 are usually some of my lowest yields and harsher smokes, I like to see some dying yellow leaves.