Abortion / Death Penalty


Well-Known Member
I am basically anti-abortion... With some exceptions for victims of rape / incest rape cases or cases where either both the mother and child could die if the pregnancy is not terminated...

I am not in favour of the death penalty...


Well-Known Member
nah man, women have the right to abort or not... life does not begin till the first birth of the real world is taken. I know they breath through their mother, but that is 3 months down the road... Abortion pre first trimester is game, anything after that, not really.

Death penalty should be obligatory for any sex crime. I fucking hate rape O's and child molesters

I also think the death penalty should be used in any murder case. you take the life of an individual, you do not deserve to live any further on this planet.


Well-Known Member
I go for the whole 'time out for life' thing. You know life sentence. That way they can sit down and think about what they did, lol. I mean common, if you're in for life chances are you deserve it. Unless it's a drug bust... Then it's up to us to break him out.