about 2-3 months???..PIC ATTACHED!..give me crits


Active Member
i think my plant was germinated right around the beginning of may.im more then sure it was/only reason why i dont know is it because it was given to me when it was about a foot tall or so.i been using fox farm big bloom as nutes when i feed it.i water it about every other day and check on it on a regular basis.i think its gonna be budding real soon .i have no idea what kind it is or anything.i think its just some reg (schwagg).but if you have any idea or comments please throw em my way.the 1 pic i have about the ortho bugs i bought that at home depot because bugs seemed to take over my plant but i think im better off not using it.because its whenever i spray it is when i only see them.



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It appears to be Sativa dominant, but beyond that its a guessing game.
Was there another question that I missed?


Active Member
I just don't trust putting pesticides on something I'm gonna smoke or eat. Hey - there was another thread going on about putting garlic around your plants to keep pests off, and I've read someplace else that you can make a weak solution of water and tobacco (soak a cig in a gal. of water, and spray water on the plant) - BUT I've never tried that one.

Also, your leaves are looking a bit yellow at the bottom? Can you get a closer pic of the bottom leaves?

I agree that it looks sativa dominant, and as far as age - that could be anybody's guess. As you well know, growth rate depends on a lot of different scenerios.


Active Member
yeah i posted in that garlic thread.really does work to..yeah i'll be sure to get some pics posted.it'll be about monday though cause i work form 8-8- tonight and imout of town for the weekend..just rained here so i know she'll be ok.the more i tihnk about the more im right about when she was germinated..shes been outside the whole time pretty much..any ideas when she'll start flowering?..i kno the last week or so the pistols have gotten extremly bigger and more complex...how long do you think she'll flower for..6-8 weeks?


Well-Known Member
it looks a little sativa dominant to me as well, so i'm guessing flowering time will be in the range of 9-12 weeks. beautiful looking plant. good luck


Active Member
it looks a little sativa dominant to me as well, so i'm guessing flowering time will be in the range of 9-12 weeks. beautiful looking plant. good luck
thanks man..its my first real grow..other 1 i had a damn rabbit ate!:evil:..ill be sure to keep pics comin this way


Active Member
hey i was just wondering..im using fox farm's big bloom right now and i just picked up some tiger bloom a little bit ago.should i wait til she starts budding to use the tiger bloom like it says or should i start now..thanks


Global Moderator
Staff member
hey i was just wondering..im using fox farm's big bloom right now and i just picked up some tiger bloom a little bit ago.should i wait til she starts budding to use the tiger bloom like it says or should i start now..thanks
Hold off until you begin to see the buds form - and then start slow, like 1/4 strength every other watering.


Global Moderator
Staff member
oh ok thanks dude.like when u say add 1/4 more.u mean to every gallon right?
What I mean is if your fertilizer calls for 1 tablespoon per gallon, you will add only 1/4 tablespoon per gallon every other watering - you can gradually increase the fert dosage, but MJ can be sensitive so general rule of thumb is not to add more than the recommended dosage.
Make sure you PH your water after adding fert too.


Active Member
What I mean is if your fertilizer calls for 1 tablespoon per gallon, you will add only 1/4 tablespoon per gallon every other watering - you can gradually increase the fert dosage, but MJ can be sensitive so general rule of thumb is not to add more than the recommended dosage.
Make sure you PH your water after adding fert too.
do i still feed it the big bloom when im using the tiger bloom as well?...or only feed it tiger bloom


Global Moderator
Staff member
do i still feed it the big bloom when im using the tiger bloom as well?...or only feed it tiger bloom
I haven't personally used either of those - I try to go mostly organic. I would guess (with out reading lables) that I would start with one or the other (but not both) and gradually increase dosage while watching the plants reaction.


Active Member
I haven't personally used either of those - I try to go mostly organic. I would guess (with out reading lables) that I would start with one or the other (but not both) and gradually increase dosage while watching the plants reaction.
oh ok.thanks man for all this help and advice.ur the only 1 who seems to be helping me out here
hey man i used tiger bloom and big bloom togethor you can mix them togethor and be fine just follow the paper that came with your nutes easy as pie haha


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I think if you read my post carefully you will find that I said that I have not used either of these, not that they were not organic, just that I didn't have any experience with them.


Active Member
good news..i went and checked on her yesterday and i tihnk shes actually starting to finally flower now..it was to small to see but i'll have pics posted tmrw either way