about 20 days and no trichomes..


Well-Known Member
I tried it on my last grow and didn't notice an improvement but my plants were doing well before. I've been reading about how it affects the micro organisms in the soil. There is much controversy on the issue. Seems half of the growers swear by it and the other half trash the idea. That's why I tried it; although I have been neutral on the issue because of all the conflicting forums I have read. I appreciate your input because I have been wondering if it was fact or fiction.

well now, it actually does feed beneficial bacteria along with a well balance organic style soil build. with that in place no molasses
will be necessary. I've used a drop (like salt over the shoulder) too in a bubbling bucket of poop and water. It wasnt detectable.
The first medical grower I met grew with cfl's and used molasses maybe non stop. He carelessly poured into a bottle with water shook it up and poured it in his coco daily with his nutrients. I dunno when he stopped but his weed was either moldy or tasted/smelled strongly of molasses. But its great in a pot roast and bbq sauce build.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="dynospec, post: 13586280, member:
I just feel like saying that cfls will hands down produce half as potent weed as hps is a poor statement.
I don't think I said that.
But anyways a CFL will not allow the potential of photosynthesization. This adversely effects how the plant metabolize every nutrients adversely.[/QUOTE]

" grown under hid lights like a 600 watt hps/mh will produce more potency than cfl's are capable of, less mold issues, less pests
better expressions in flower and on time finishes.
about half?"

It kind of sounded like it lol.


Active Member
another question...
They are praying growing pretty fast and producing trichomes...i can see them on the buds and on the leaves..
I would like to ask...i can afford running my hps WITH the a-c for about lets say 20 days...should i really mess up changing lights again and paying for it?? i mean potency wise...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Your on a pretty tight budget huh. I would run it till the end or wait and turn it on in 25 days but don't go back to the CFL would be my advice.


Active Member
im not THAAAT really tight but yeap i am kinda....but i cant run a 600 hps AND air conditioning for just 2 plants...no matter if they are well trained..
Im on 250watt cfl dual spectrum..

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Day 34
One of the smaller buds. They're starting to get fatter
In the last couple day the trichs have gone nuts. She's frosty as shit right now and only in the beginning of week 6, 336 watts cfls


Active Member
420 what kind of cfls do you have?? how do mine look to you??? i will upload more of mine tonight...
I have 250 watt cfl 6400+2100k But i have one more 125 2100k cfl...should i put that inside too??

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Post your setup later I'll take a look. This is just my experience so far tho as this is my first run haha
8 - 42watt 2700k. I keep a fan blowing over the canopy and I keep em CLOSE. Like 1 inch close haha. Put as many in as you can and keep them as close as you can. Also a reflector to push the stray light downward is a must as well as reflective walls. You need all the light given off to reach as much of the plant as possible. Also a flat even canopy makes this possible

This is probably the first week of flower
Not sure when this is from the just examples of the lighting that I have. Since the flip two colas have gotten away and are taller. There nothing I can do but the more even canopy has fatter colas while the larger plant with two taller colas is a mix (two large colas are big but the colas below are falling behind some. Like I said the lights need to be CLOSE)

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
they started loosing a lot of leaves and you actually see some yellowing in the photos cause of the heat stress..they bounce back up with the cfl
That doesn't look like heat stress to me. Possibly cal mag def. or could be yellowing because of the cfl not penetrating the canopy enough. I get a couple yellow leaves randomly under the canopy. Usually just look like it's do to poor lighting. I keep the underside completely trimmed all the way to the canopy. Defoliated them 4 times up until now and they're still crazy bushy! Heavy pruning. I would have pruned so much but they just took over the tent


Well-Known Member
Nice setup green bean, people think cfl's are a out of date tech. But for a newbie just starting out, its an easy entry area to get involved on growing your own. Just gotta have the right combination of bulbs. Since you put ur setup up, guess I'll show ya mine....lol

Ok that sounded weird lol, anywho


GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
I have a single cfl 250w bulb...thats actually too heavy and i think it needs support from the end in a horizontal way..
The problem with bulbs that high are the lumen output. If you had 42 watt bulbs equalling 250 watts the lumen count would be higher. Keep that big one in the middle and hang two 42 or 85watt bulbs on each side. Use a Y adapter like above ^


Active Member
The problem with bulbs that high are the lumen output. If you had 42 watt bulbs equalling 250 watts the lumen count would be higher. Keep that big one in the middle and hang two 42 or 85watt bulbs on each side. Use a Y adapter like above ^
she is supposed to produce about 11500 lumen...

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Smaller bulbs produce more lumens per watt than larger cfls. 23 watt and 42 watt are the sweet spots. It's all downhill as you go higher in wattage. 10 23watt cfl would produce wayyy more lumens than a 230watt single cfl