About 4 hours difference - seeing a problem


Well-Known Member
Took a pic when I first noticed some discoloration, and another pic about 4 hours later.

We are in soil. I just upped my nutes to full strength (been watering a quarter, then half). Using something called Dirt n' Grow Evolve Organic All Purpose (3-1-2), it's made from various kelps, potassium hydroxide, bat guano, and digested vegetable protein.

Every second watering I've been putting some epsom salt and molasses to help with micro nutrients because the above fertilizer doesn't have all the base nutrients listed...

This is approximately 48 hours after watering with the full strength nutes.

LED light, about 20 inches from top of plant, CMX-22 gen 3 3500K 90CRI.

18/6 light cycle.

You'll see in the 4 hour span the discoloration has darkened for sure. it is almost a grey looking spotting.

It first started around the mid growth, lower growth quickly developed it as well, so far nothing on the new growth.

I've always PH'ed water going in between 6.2-6.8.

I've also noticed that it looks droopy like overwatering. I've been watching closely because I did overwater early on. The last 3 waterings have been 5-6 days apart each. This one was pretty darn light so I'd find it odd that it was overwatering. I'm wondering if the droop is associated with the spotting.

Anyone have any thoughts?


This next pic is 4 hours later and the spots are really defined now20170925_232909.jpg

The 2 pics have a little bit different lighting as the first pic was taken when a bit of sunlight was coming in the window behind me.

When you look back and forth, I'm seeing the color is a touch darker over all, and the plant looks droopier...


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
N def. (mostly, but all defs starting to show)

Any adjustment to the N will not be seen for about 3 days.

N def and adjusting the N up. Will show recovery in all the leaves - to darker green.

You should have been on 100% ratio. Like over a week ago.

Once you flip to bloom. KEEP USING THE VEG nutes for 2 weeks and then mix 1;1 with the bloom nutes. At week 4, go full on 100% bloom.
Now I just saved you from one of the most common problems we see here. Too much P, too early.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Foliar feeding with the correct type of N is a faster way to recovery fyi and you don't run the risk of saturation of the medium. The dark purple veins looks like a mag/cal def also.


Well-Known Member
"This is approximately 48 hours after watering with the full strength nutes.
Anyone have any thoughts?"

Well using my standard methodology for solving problems the first thing I would ask myself is "What changed?". In this case it appears that you increased the strength of the nutrient solution.
I just posted this on another thread.
The overfeeding of any plant food can cause nutrient deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback folks.

I think everyone is correct on this. This is a multi-deficient plant, showing signs of lockout due to introducing nutrients too fast.

My question. Should I ride this out in this pot until I've figure out the nutrient regiment?

Or, since I do have to go up a pot before I flower anyway (it's in a 2gal and I want to flower in a 5 gal) should I just repot now, and hope to dial it in while I finish out my veg?

Right now, I could veg for another 10" of growth without having any issues of the Special Kush stretching too big for the grow room. (apparently it stretches like a Sativa)

This is a mainline using nebula's method, so the root system is far more developed than what you would normally have for the height/foliage of the plant right now.

Also, we are in smart pots, so I don't have to worry about root bound/rotting. The air pruning is going to deal with that for me.

Just for comparison, this is the same plant 2 weeks ago. The leaves with dead ends are the very first leaves of the mainline cut #1. I cut those off about a day after this pic was taken.



Well-Known Member
Interesting... my other plant is starting to show the exact same signs.

Am I right to think this is a complete macro deficiency?

N - full leaf chlorosis of the lower leaves
P - interveinal chlorosis on newer growth with
K - spotting on the lower leaves.

Here's my SP#1, 24 hours after the first picture I posted.

And here's my Double Glock, which seems to be showing the same signs.


Well-Known Member
Oh, also want to make sure I say, I've had PH between 6.2-6.8 going in, and although I don't water till run off, I did earlier when I was overwatering (over a month ago) and when that run off happened, it was consistently 6.8... so it seems like my soil has enough buffer to get the PH in the right range as long as I keep watering in the "in" range I do...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Oh, also want to make sure I say, I've had PH between 6.2-6.8 going in, and although I don't water till run off, I did earlier when I was overwatering (over a month ago) and when that run off happened, it was consistently 6.8... so it seems like my soil has enough buffer to get the PH in the right range as long as I keep watering in the "in" range I do...
In soil.
PH in-going to 6.5 and in bloom, 6.7

Every second watering I've been putting some epsom salt and molasses to help with micro nutrients because the above fertilizer doesn't have all the base nutrients listed...
Not getting enough from the Molasses..Common misconception... Use a good Kelp extract instead. NEVER mix raw Epsom with soil - always mix with water. You didn't say how you were using it as in amount either. ! tsp per gallon fits for that.


Well-Known Member
Sorry molasses and epsom is added as just a pinch to my water. I would guess about 1/2 tsp per gallon.


Well-Known Member
I removed some of the LST'ing I've been doing for the mainlining... but today I had to put it back on. It looks like the Special Kush is starting to ramp up it's growing again. I had to LST the outer tops down again because overnight they got about an inch higher than the inner ones...

Seems like the Double Glock is going a bit more green again as well.

Should I continue to up the nutes each water until I see a hint of burn? I'm trying to find the sweet spot, and clearly I was too low... Just trying to get an idea of how I dial my nutes in...