About Buying Gold or Silver


Well-Known Member
I don't have an IRA,,,except Ya know',,,but I think "silver Bar's" are taxed,,,but coin's with a "Value" to them are not?,,,and in the USA silver eagle's are a lagitamite investment in your IRA?,,,Not really sure but that's why I only collect silver coin's with a "Backed" value.,,,I'd never buy them silver bar's,,,although some are really sweet looking.


Well-Known Member
I don't have an IRA,,,except Ya know',,,but I think "silver Bar's" are taxed,,,but coin's with a "Value" to them are not?,,,and in the USA silver eagle's are a lagitamite investment in your IRA?,,,Not really sure but that's why I only collect silver coin's with a "Backed" value.,,,I'd never buy them silver bar's,,,although some are really sweet looking.
Yep, you can invest in Silver Eagles through a IRA.

I collect all forms of gold and silver, jewelry, sovereigns, bullion, junk silver, old X-Ray silver, Numismatics and even silverware and silver serving sets. Hell I even collect pre 82 pennies for their copper.


Well-Known Member
Yea,,,I sort and am a penny pincher too,,,Lot's of good copper in circulation,,,I actually got a 1935 silver quarter out of a vending machine a while back,,,was in really nice shape too...I was Like yeaaa...Silver is going to be my collection's,,,Platinum are going to my other "High",,,dollar collection,,,if I can afford it,,,Beat's Gold IMO...


Well-Known Member
Buy gold/silver and hold. People will throw up all sorts of arguments and reasons to not hold it. But the fact is G/S has always retained value through out the history of mankind. I would hold dollars as well. The world is going down the tubes and the elite plan to have a one world ruler and one currency.

When the shit hits the fan, cash will be king for a short time and after that G/S will be super worthy. Yes the day will come when G/S & cash will be worthless but you will be glad to have had it.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Well because of a few things like OPEC and trying to outlaw Gold AGAIN would not only say "The Dollar is tanking but OPEC is basically the only way OIL is bought. That is why OPEC happened. *DISCLAIMER: From what I understand of it and being very simplistic about it.
I recently started collecting Bullion and the only time you are going to generate paper work is when the person buying your gold is forthright about paperwork at the 10k mark. So if you need to sell, sell a few Bullions a time. I am sure because I have just started collecting is why the price has come down. LOL!
Silver is nice because relative to Gold it has not leaped and bound. Watch the Asian market like Nam if Nam buys dollars that means Gold is going down and conversely if they start selling dollars Gold will usually climb.

But Silver is the 'key' ingredient to Solar Power, hence my attitude towards Silver. Yet, Supply and demand are always the caviot. One good find or another countries Eureka! Well, I am sure you understand.

But all in all, as inflation comes about and you need 3 dollars to buy Cancer milk with the BGH hormone in it. That helps if you got something (cash) in a non interest bearing account or if you buy collectable Bullions such as sets that have only 50k printed has a slight commission yet will tend to hold a value "insurance if you will" for that metal.
I do not ever see Cash being extinct rather it will just more of them to buy things, and if you want to have your cash value increase without parking it in a traditional paperwork vehicle then it seems like a good place to park it. As the Metal follows the inflation where cash in a box does not. IMO


Well-Known Member
ive got silver in a big tea poorer or w/e its called and little sugar and milk/cream holders and accent display tray.


Well-Known Member
Buy gold/silver and hold. People will throw up all sorts of arguments and reasons to not hold it. But the fact is G/S has always retained value through out the history of mankind. I would hold dollars as well. The world is going down the tubes and the elite plan to have a one world ruler and one currency.

When the shit hits the fan, cash will be king for a short time and after that G/S will be super worthy. Yes the day will come when G/S & cash will be worthless but you will be glad to have had it.

please bro give me a site i can get info from ive been search the wrong sets of words on this to get nothing. my searches include one world gov, one leader, one world currency, global nation, one world nation.