About Indoor as outdoor!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. Was here last time only previous year. So this is new season and new questions :)

My first ever grow was Ak48, 5 fem seeds, they was awesome, smoke was pretty good, even that I have got problems with nut burn...

So the story was, that I received my Ak48 fem seeds for indoor growing. I germinate seeds in closet with one CFL light, then I put them in greenhouse, but they was in 15L pots... So all veg stage they was in pot but in greenhouse, only when they were ready for flowering I put them in special place with air flow, outtake fan and 250W HPS and so on... They grow very good... Veg stage was in august and september, when outside was an optimal temperature 20-22C.

So what I want to know is - now I order White Widow fem seeds for INDOOR growing, as AK48 that I have last season. Just want to know is it possibl to grow indoors seeds in outdoor? Im only scare that now temperature is about 28-30C and in green house it will be about 35C... Wouldn't it be to hot for weed?

What should I need to know about growing outdoors... ?


Active Member
Youll be good putting them outside. Almost all strains will grow great if not better outdoors. I mean 200 years ago there were no indoor grows. But most can handle temps in the mid 40s during flowering so you should be okay up until late october. Go organic if you can that.way all the nutes are there to start with and all you have to do is water. But im sure others will poke into this as well. But you should do fine.


Active Member
As for how hot it gets air flow is a must. If your green house has removable windows take a couple of the ceiling windows out and put a few fans in there. You can also put a small AirConditioner in there as well. Ive seen temps in the 90s outdoors but the thing is tbere is tons more cO2 and the more cO2 thereis the less chance of heat stress i forget why it is but 90s indoor is way worse then 90s out door. The temps i gave are in degrees Ferenheight idk the conversions but thats what i got. So fans will be your best best and open as many windows up high to vent the heat.


Active Member
But if just under the sun and no green house youll have some killer dank. But to combat the heat another way is shade cloth. Whether its thrown over the top of the green house or propped up to fade the midday sun. But you should be good either way.


Active Member
When a seed says indoor it's basically saying that the father the seeds came from we're grown indoors over several times to get good reliable seeds and the same goes for outdoors,doesn't mean you half to grow either of the two in or out side. Weed grows basically in almost any soil, and in almost any setting, it has it's quirks and it's needs but it's a very forgiving plant learn with your new seeds as they grow and adjust environment as needed, happy growing guy