? about mixing soil


Hey guys just started a grow, my last one failed due to a high ph level which i just discovered. so i bought some peat moss to add to my soil just wasnt sure where to put it. do i mix it in with the soil? use it as a top layer? bottom? just want to know got three seeds germed and ready to go once someone answers this im going to plant lol


Well-Known Member
you mix peat moss into your soil as a soil conditioner but its not the best solution to correct ph. the best thing to do for ph stability in soil is to add dolomite lime at 1 cup per cubic foot of soil.
yo tuerto,
If you want something fail proof I would try making a small batch of subcools supersoil (and not overdoing it maybe 25-35% for your first go). Subcools says he doesnt worry about PH due to the Dolomite Lime as FarmerJoe420 stated above + you wont have to worry about nutrients as they would all be in your soil... Search Subcool supersoil and you will get plenty of info straight from the source. I went the supersoil route after my first experimental grow went bad from some lame MG soil stunted from the jump (my plants seem to be doing okay for my first grow- check it out if you wanna see it in action) It gives you that worry free and fail proof way of growing unless you over do it!

happy growing,


Well-Known Member
Check out sannies buffer tabs. Don't know why more organic people don't use them. Like a chee-a pet. Just add water until late flowering.
never heard of the sannie buffer tabs. Are you using them right now? you have any pics? might look into that for next season if my run with super soil doesnt go as planned.

bud :leaf: