about ten white hairs turned brown is it starting to ripin?

about ten white hairs have turned brown does that mean its starting to ripin?
if it is starting to ripin about how much longer do you think i have til i chop my baby down?
also about how many hairs should b brown b4 i cut (percent wise)?
i cant harvest based on viewing the trichs because i have no magnifiying glass so ill have to use this method.. and my plant is about 30 inches tall i had to flower at 13 inches because of little growing space does any1 have an estimate on around how much bud do you think i will b harvesting? and what temp should a flowering plants room b around?
and when i harvest it goes-cut down, trim, dry then cure right?
all input appreciated...


Well-Known Member
Hairs(pistils) should retract into the bud dude. Changing colour is one thing but withering pistils are another. You have at least 4 weeks to go. temps should be 20degrees to 28degrees, lower the better. lookin good tho just make sure ya wait until ripe as will be waste of time IMO.

Yeah Cut it down, trim all the excess leaf save that for hash making. Dry until crispy on the outisde moist in the middle, jar them up and burp regulary for a few days and then dont open the jar lids so much. Good luck


Well-Known Member
wait for them all to turn amber and start receding back into the bud, use a microscope to check for amber trichs, and yep, cut ur plant, trim all fan leaves and smaller leaves off, dry it in a cubbord, cure it in glass jars :)


Active Member
its not rare to see some pistils turn early in flower, dont be fooled ^^ follow there advice and dont cut too early


Well-Known Member
That looks like you have 2 weeks at least. Just my two cents. Looks like it will be good though.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks every1 and the hairs that turned brown so far have retracted into the bud so is this a sign of it ripining?
Yeah its a sign of ripening :) The swelling of the calyaxs will start aswell so dont cut now. You want as much of the pistils receeded into the bud as possible. The popcorn bud will be behind the tops in terms of maturity, so if ya take off the tops when ready and let the bottoms carry on for another 10 days your get more ripe buds as a whole rather than crop all at once.
Yeah its a sign of ripening :) The swelling of the calyaxs will start aswell so dont cut now. You want as much of the pistils receeded into the bud as possible. The popcorn bud will be behind the tops in terms of maturity, so if ya take off the tops when ready and let the bottoms carry on for another 10 days your get more ripe buds as a whole rather than crop all at once.
Thanks I will look out for that.. Ur info is much appreciated