About to buy new setup, want to know your opinion :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so i got 600 dollars and im ready to purchase my stuff. Now i cant put it in my bank account cause my parents have access to the bill and would see the purchase. So im thinking i put 280 on 2 of those walmart visa cards.
so heres the list

from ebay on the HTGsupply store
Digital 600 watt HPS with euroreflector --- 234.95
shipping - 29
Total-- 278

and then from greners
Secret Jardin DR120(4x4) ---- 181
EcoPLus blower 265 CFM ---- 82.95
Shipping --- 9.95
Total 276.85

i will also be putting a 250 watt MH in there that i have. so i will have 850 watts in there and i plan to put 48 SOG plants in 1 gallon or smaller containers.

so what do you think?


Ok so i got 600 dollars and im ready to purchase my stuff. Now i cant put it in my bank account cause my parents have access to the bill and would see the purchase. So im thinking i put 280 on 2 of those walmart visa cards.
so heres the list

from ebay on the HTGsupply store
Digital 600 watt HPS with euroreflector --- 234.95
shipping - 29
Total-- 278

and then from greners
Secret Jardin DR120(4x4) ---- 181
EcoPLus blower 265 CFM ---- 82.95
Shipping --- 9.95
Total 276.85

i will also be putting a 250 watt MH in there that i have. so i will have 850 watts in there and i plan to put 48 SOG plants in 1 gallon or smaller containers.

so what do you think?

i bought the basically the same things.... had some issues with that ballast and ended up replacing it with a 600w dimmable lumatek.....

your setup sounds pretty good, but i would consider running a small veg cabinet with that 250watter, makes more sense than slamming both lights in a 4x4....

my only question is how the hell are you gonna hide it??? i take it you live with your parents if they have access to your bank account????

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Not familiar with the euroreflector. I'd have to go look at it but as long as it's an air cooled reflector it looks like a pretty good setup. Good luck broski.


not air cooled its a simple open ended reflector, you dont really need a digital balast just go for a simple one but rest is good


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the advice. I already have a veg closet with 2, 4 foot 2 lamp T5s. I dont have to hide it, the reason they have access to my bank account is cause they live 4 hours away and im in college so they can instantly transfer money.

ill see if theres a non digital 600 watt on ebay