about to enter the 12th dimension


Well-Known Member
Damn have a good time man and be safe. Almost every time you post it is about acid or shrooms or the "landing gear". Reminds me of myself a few years ago ahha

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont think fluff is acid , maybe water the stuff you dip cigerettes in i didnt think you could take 5 hits of acid in one go and live


Well-Known Member
lol no fluff is reeally good clean acid

im back but i got a space cadet in my living room im aout to force feed some landing gear into lol

hes not looking son good ;)


Well-Known Member
i dont think fluff is acid , maybe water the stuff you dip cigerettes in i didnt think you could take 5 hits of acid in one go and live
lol mabn you can eat alot more acid than 5 most ive done is 1vial to the head

lol ive shot up 5 hits of acid before


Well-Known Member
lol no fluff is reeally good clean acid

im back but i got a space cadet in my living room im aout to force feed some landing gear into lol

hes not looking son good ;)
We all know you just picked your belly button fluff out and ate it. :roll:

hehe. :hump:


Well-Known Member
oh course thats where you ge tthe clelanest doses ma i still havent slept im so tired but i got a new litle bong anda t shirt thatsays stop snitchin form the flea market ;)


Well-Known Member
man i was worried about my homie he hasnt smoked in 3 months for the doctor zand he doesnt trip[ much like every 4 yearsa and heh atew as much as we did and he was fucking gone i almost force fed him some xanax but he snapped out of it a few hours later but he wasw all blue and just smiling and gone which was fine but turning blue kinda scareed me i thought maybe he had a bad reaction to the mushrooms but we got him home safe and ui talked to him next day and he was all gravy i tripoped pretty good but not as hard as i thought i would i wanted to be where he was and since he was incoherent he couldnt entertain me i just played mario galaxy forr a while and some rez wich kinda bugged him out anyway just an update on ym space cadt friend i just wish we still had some dmt to smoke when were trippin that woulda been the shit !!!!


Well-Known Member
Jesus dude. I got two hits of some good fluff off a grateful dead sheet and was tripping NUTS. Then again it was the second time I've ever done acid. But 5 hits AND 10g's of shrooms?! Hope you enjoyed that trip hahaha.


Well-Known Member
i did ;) this was a grateful dead sheet too kida exept instead of lightning bolt in stealy thier was a big hairy snatch i ate the clit