about to start my first grow.


I am in the process of buy some cfls and a 400w hps light. i know most of the basics on how to veg and flower an stuff. I was wondering for my veging stage will i just stick to blue spectrum or can i add some red in too. i plan on growing about 3-4 plant. so can anyone tell me how many watts i'll need and also will the 400w hps be enough for 4 plants. any help will be great


Active Member
hi there im a noobie around here aswell and im goin using 400watt hps for my first grow and i have 7 going under it id say someone will pop by soon to give you better answer?? you growing in a tent or where anyhows good luck with the grow


I just plan to do a closet grow to see how things go before i buy a tent. I watch a video on youtube and the guy had a warm white fluorescent and a cool white fluorescent. I assume the warm white give off a red spectrum and the cool white gives off the blue. Anyway he used both and had great sucess.


Well-Known Member
131 veiws and still no reply. BUMP
Probably the reason you get no replies is because this same question has been asked a thousand times on here. How can you expect someone to help you if you wont help yourself. READ SOME THREADS!!!!


Probably the reason you get no replies is because this same question has been asked a thousand times on here. How can you expect someone to help you if you wont help yourself. READ SOME THREADS!!!!
I have read alot of threads. I just want to make sure before i buy my cfls. Most threads have lots of different opinions. THATS THE REASON I STARTED MY OWN


Ursus marijanus
deda and Skunkguy: You can veg under the HPS but certainly getting CFLs will be more cost-efficient in terms of energy used ... important if your space is small andor hard to keep cool.
The other option would be to supplement the 400 with some actinic T5s andor reptile UV lamps. Veging plants love the blue end of the spectrum.

Or run a 400 MH conversion bulb! cn


Well-Known Member
The 400 would be ok for 4 plants, of course, 1000w would be best :weed:

As long as you are buying ballasts and bulbs, you should spend the extra few bucks and go big. A good digital 1000w ballast can be turned down to 50%, and 75% if that is all you need at the time. Many folks on a budget veg and flower on an HPS bulb only. If you want to the best, buy a MH AND an HPS bulb for each stage of growth. Good digital ballasts will work with both bulbs. Remember ventilation is as important as light.

My .02


Thanks for the help. I'm kinda on a tight budget and living at my mothers house so i dont Want my electricity bill to be thru the roof. My box isn very big. Its 4 foot by 4foot and 5 foot in height. Yeah I was gonna get to the ventilation part :wink:. I have 4 computer fans and a desktop fan. I was thinking on using two of my computer fans for an inlet and the other two as an extractor. And to have my desktop fan in my box to circlate the air inside. What yous think. Also anyone know of any good nutrients that i can buy from ebay. Thanks