About to transplant plants into bigger pots. question on nutes and FF soil.

Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to check this out.Im very much a novice at this and could use all the help available. I just received my 600wHPS and will be setting that up shortly. I have for now only two plants going under it and they are about a foot tall, still in veg. currently they are in 3 gallon pots, could be 5 honestly im not sure. Anyways I also just bought 10 gallon smart bags to put them in. I know this is a much bigger pot transition but ive heard of people put seedlings and small clones straight into big pots if they have the room and its worked out. My roots right now are coming through the bottom of the current pots. Now I am using fox farms happy frog medium and thats what they are in right now. When I transition them into the 10 gallon pots ill be adding a lot more soil obviously and since FF soil has nutes already in it, Im hoping I wont be burning the plants. obviously if this works I would then not add nutes for 1-2 weeks. I've read that FF soil is not that hot of a soil but most people dont go from a 5 gallon to 10 gallon with all that added new soil. And i have read that as long as my plants are not seedlings they should be able to handle this. However Ive also over the past months ready many varying opinions on everything growing and alot of it was straight bad information. I still know so very little even after all my reading though and would appreciate any opinions/ advice on this, any ones welcome. Cheers all.
been using FFOF for about 2 yrs now. I go from cloner machine to ffof in solo cup w/o any issues at all. then into 5 gal pots for veg.
thans for the reply demontrich. I guess if your going from a solo cup to a 5 gallon thats pretty significant too. And if your little clones can handle that I think mine should be fine. Thanks man. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to check this out.Im very much a novice at this and could use all the help available. I just received my 600wHPS and will be setting that up shortly. I have for now only two plants going under it and they are about a foot tall, still in veg. currently they are in 3 gallon pots, could be 5 honestly im not sure. Anyways I also just bought 10 gallon smart bags to put them in. I know this is a much bigger pot transition but ive heard of people put seedlings and small clones straight into big pots if they have the room and its worked out. My roots right now are coming through the bottom of the current pots. Now I am using fox farms happy frog medium and thats what they are in right now. When I transition them into the 10 gallon pots ill be adding a lot more soil obviously and since FF soil has nutes already in it, Im hoping I wont be burning the plants. obviously if this works I would then not add nutes for 1-2 weeks. I've read that FF soil is not that hot of a soil but most people dont go from a 5 gallon to 10 gallon with all that added new soil. And i have read that as long as my plants are not seedlings they should be able to handle this. However Ive also over the past months ready many varying opinions on everything growing and alot of it was straight bad information. I still know so very little even after all my reading though and would appreciate any opinions/ advice on this, any ones welcome. Cheers all.
I've taken my beans in root riot cubes and straight into 5g bags no problems at all using fox farm ocean forest. They will grow to the end with no transplant.

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Well-Known Member
well my clones aren't exactly "little" when im uppotting. they have already been Fim'd and are growing nicely. after the stretch in flower, they are all about 6'1-6'5" tall. veg for 2 months, flower for 8-9.5 weeks.
I've taken my beans in root riot cubes and straight into 5g bags no problems at all using fox farm ocean forest. They will grow to the end with no transplant.

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Awesome man thats what Im hoping for. Once I get more plants in the garden Ill have to start using smaller pots most likely but for right now Id rather not fuck with transplanting too much.

puertorrican diesel

Well-Known Member
IMG_20140603_172212.jpgwell i just topped this bitch yesterday., and she is already by the edges of the pot., should i transplant her or wait 2 weeks until she recovers? Tnx guys!!!


Well-Known Member
feel like i may be having dejavu, didn't i answer this question already? Let that bitch have a few days to grow, she is not root bound in that pot.