Well-Known Member
well buddy and i made up some VG tinture for ecigs
well we got as much as we could out of using a press ..........i saved the stuff
well it was 2 oz so i took a bottle of ISO and poured it inside shook it up let it sit now the stuff is black like bho
is there anyreason i can not cook it down like u would for iso/bho ......then use that stuff to mix into ecigs or mix it back into the tinture
oh the iso is 99.1 % pure
well buddy and i made up some VG tinture for ecigs
well we got as much as we could out of using a press ..........i saved the stuff
well it was 2 oz so i took a bottle of ISO and poured it inside shook it up let it sit now the stuff is black like bho
is there anyreason i can not cook it down like u would for iso/bho ......then use that stuff to mix into ecigs or mix it back into the tinture
oh the iso is 99.1 % pure