Abrogate Prohibition Michigan 2016

I hope you know some free masons with a lot of money. Good luck to the endeavor, I'm not hating I just can't possibly see change ever in this country or state because of the people behind the scenes with all the money and power, they'll never let go of their grip on society.
The other issue is calling for total removal of prohibition in Michigan still changes nothing at the federal level. Oakland county's DEA is run by the fed, which trumps state laws.
Fed does not trump state law. That is a false paradigm and not true at all. Especially if we are a Constitutional State and Republic.

Feds only have power to have authority over Intrastate Commerce, that is commerce between the States themselves. But they have Zero Authority with Innerstate Commerce Matters.

And if what you said was actually true, then it is only true because you believe it so, contrary to the Law.

Like you said not hating, just pointing out the facts.

If you think you cant, you are correct,
If you think you Can, you are also Correct.

What do you believe? You are a slave and you cant, or you are a free person and you can.

Remember, when you say THEY wont allow it, you are talking about yourself.
Only you can limit yourself.
Fed does not trump state law. That is a false paradigm and not true at all. Especially if we are a Constitutional State and Republic.

Feds only have power to have authority over Intrastate Commerce, that is commerce between the States themselves. But they have Zero Authority with Innerstate Commerce Matters.

And if what you said was actually true, then it is only true because you believe it so, contrary to the Law.

Like you said not hating, just pointing out the facts.

If you think you cant, you are correct,
If you think you Can, you are also Correct.

What do you believe? You are a slave and you cant, or you are a free person and you can.

Remember, when you say THEY wont allow it, you are talking about yourself.
Only you can limit yourself.
By the constitution you are correct. My point is 98% of federal employees are not going to follow the constitution simply because they have too many backers with money and power. If they raid a grow (And they have and do) at the end of it all the cops make up whatever they wish and the people arrested go to prison. Its a system that you or I have no power what so ever to fight against. If we did, this wouldn't even be an issue. It would be easier for you to create a time machine and go back to 1937 and take out Harry J Anslinger, take his place and do a smear campaign against cotton!
My point to everyone is if you still believe in a democracy then I pity you, there is none. Its all an illusion. Call me crazy, but when you get your way, let me know

The Supremacy Clause is the provision in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution that establishes the United States Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties as "the supreme law of the land." It provides that these are the highest form of law in the United States legal system, and mandates that all state judges must follow federal law when a conflict arises between federal law and either a state constitution or state law of any state.

Here are the 1st 13 of the Michigan Constitution.

You'll pay special attention to Sec. 1. thru Sec 4. This is Our Power and they, along with the rest, are backed up by Sec 5.

This is what the government does not want you to recognize.
Now riddle me this.
Where does it say anywhere in the Michigan Constitution, the the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, INC., rule supreme?
As TheMan13 just referenced. Intrastate commerce, and to ensure equality among those that are referred to in Sec 1.

From there, the Feds actually Have no Authority, and their roll in States issues is to redress egregious actions by a states government or agency or agent that breaches either the State or the Federal Constitution of any Proper Person and referenced in the Right to Representation, Sec, 12.


[Effective January 1, 1909]



We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.




Sec. 1. The State of Michigan consists of and has jurisdiction over the territory embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point on the eastern boundary line of the state of Indiana, where a direct line drawn from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of Maumee Bay shall intersect the same--said point being the northwest point of the state of Ohio, as established by act of congress, entitled "An act to establish the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the state of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions therein expressed," approved June fifteenth, 1836; thence with the said boundary line of the state of Ohio, until it intersects the boundary line between the United States and Canada through the Detroit River, Lake Huron and Lake Superior to a point where the said line last touches Lake Superior; thence in a direct line through Lake Superior to the mouth of the Montreal River; thence through the middle of the main channel of the westerly branch of the Montreal River to Island Lake, the head waters thereof; thence in a direct line to the center of the channel between Middle and South Island in the Lake of The Desert; thence in a direct line to the southern shore and down the River Brule to the main channel of the Menominee River; thence down the center of the main channel of the same to the center of the most usual ship channel of the Green Bay of Lake Michigan; thence through the middle of Lake Michigan to the northern boundary of the state of Indiana to the northeast corner thereof; and thence south with the eastern boundary line of Indiana to the place of beginning.

Seat of government.

Sec. 2. The seat of government shall be at Lansing, where it is now established.



Political power.

Sec. 1. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.

Right of assembly and petition.

Sec. 2. The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the legislature for redress of grievances.

Freedom of worship; disabilities.

Sec. 3. Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel or teacher of religion No money shall be appropriated or drawn from treasury for the benefit of any religious sect or society, theological or religious seminary; nor shall property belonging to the state be appropriated for any such purpose. The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief.

Liberty of speech and press.

Sec. 4. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.

Right to bear arms.

Sec. 5. Every person has a right to bear arms for the defense of himself and the state.

Civil power supreme.

Sec. 6. The military shall in all cases and at all times be in strict subordination to the civil power.

Quartering of soldiers.

Sec. 7. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner or occupant, nor in time of war, except in a manner prescribed by law.

Slavery prohibited.

Sec. 8. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime shall ever be tolerated in this state.

Attainder; ex post facto laws; impairment of contracts.

Sec. 9. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be passed.

Searches and seizures.

Sec. 10. The person, houses, papers and possessions of every person shall be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. No warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things shall issue without describing them, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation: Provided, however, That the provisions of this section shall not be construed to bar from evidence in any court of criminal jurisdiction, or in any criminal proceeding held before any magistrate or justice of the peace, any narcotic drug or drugs, any firearm, rifle, pistol, revolver, automatic pistol, machine gun, bomb, bomb shell, explosive, blackjack, slingshot, billy, metallic knuckles, gas-ejecting device, or any other dangerous weapon or thing, seized by any peace officer outside the curtilage of any dwelling house in this state.

Habeas corpus.

Sec. 11. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

Appearance in person or by counsel.

Sec. 12. Any suitor in any court of this state shall have the right to prosecute or defend his suit; either in his own proper person or by an attorney or agent of his choice.

Jury trial.

Sec. 13. The right of trial by jury shall remain, but shall be deemed to be waived in all civil cases unless demanded by one of the parties in such manner as shall be prescribed by law.

Full Constitution for Michigan:

Now, who is your owner?
Dude I have no idea what you are talking about and hate to inform you that either do you.

Clearly per federal law MJ is a schedule I controlled substance meaning that it literally "has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" regardless of any other reality. In any of the numerous federal courthouses across this state not MMMA, your MJ patient/caregiver status, your LARA license/card nor the Michigan constitution will impede federal prosecution against you. In reality it's all just a sad shortsighted legislative joke on all medicinal patients/caregivers and especially all those whom have lost their lives this way believing anything different.

What will be different about your "abrogate prohibition" or any of the other 2016 legalization legislative proposals as to actually provide any relative defense against federal schedule I controlled substance charges, whereas ALL medicinal and recreational state laws to date have failed nationwide for decades?


Is it time to address the actual problem yet?
Clearly, you do not fully understand the concept of the Federal Supremacy Clause, and what the Federal Government actually has Authority over.

That is what I am speaking too, And if you think the Federal Government has the Ultimate rule, then How the Hell did we make Pot Medicinal to begin with?

The Feds only have Control over you if you BELIEVE they do. Because if you BELIEVE they do, then you submit like a good little citizen slave.

Now, Do you have Authority of your bodies own Endocannabinoid System? Or does that fall under the Authority of the Federal Supremacy Clause?
Here is Pragmatic.

If you Believe the Government Owns you, You are Correct.

If you Believe the Government Serves you, You are Correct.

Which side do you believe?

MichICAN Nightly Radio Show on BTR M-F 9-11 PM M-F.

Nightly 2 hour BlogTalkRadio Show on the discussion on the future of Cannabis in Michigan, and the many Points and Benefits of Repeal of Prohibition in Michigan in 2016. Abrogate Prohibition Michigan - Because More Laws Create More Criminals. The views and opinions expressed on the MichICAN Nightly Radio Show are those of the hosts, guests and callers, authors or organizations, and are not necessarily those of this station, it’s management or other Hosts or advertisers. The shows found on the BlogTalkRadio can promote any lifestyle, belief, religion, political affiliation or other personal practice. These shows are for entertainment purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose and/or claim any cure of disease or condition. Although the Host of this show and any guests have made every reasonable effort to be factually accurate, no responsibility is assumed for editorial or clerical errors or error occasioned by honest mistake. All information contained on this Web site is subject to change.
Abrogate Prohibition Michigan is now ready to accept your Tax Deductible Donation.

Any donation of 20.00 or more needs to be in check, and the check should be made out to Abrogate Prohibition Michigan.

But more important than Donations of Money, which we need enough to cover Petition Printing costs and travel expenses to get get them to petitioners and collected and to the state for tally is needed, It is far more important that we get Bodies that are willing to collect Signatures.

We need 320,000 minimum to make this Constitutional Amendment. That sounds like a big number but it boils down to 22 signatures per day, in all 83 counties, for 180 days. 25 sigs a day gives us a small buffer room, 35 signatures a day gives the campaign 500,000 signatures.
50 signatures a day in each county for 180 days gives the campaign over 700,000 signatures.

if each county has just 5 people that would be willing to collect signatures every day for 6 months, and each got just 10 signature (1/2 a petition sheet as they ll have 20 sigs per sheet), that would equate to 700,000 signature well over Double the required amount, and over my personal Campaign Goal of collection of Double the required Sigs.

Sure we are going to need some money. I figure around 5000.00 to 6000.00 to get the petitions printed up, and some money for distribution/collection of the petitions, and other required and common campaign expenses. But we dont need Millions, We need Warm Blooded Bodies and a 6 month commitment to Fixing the Cannabis Prohibition Issue in our State of Michigan, just like our Grandparents did in 1933, when they repealed Alcohol Prohibition, and then fought to keep the purple gang form going to Washington D.C. (District of Criminals), and taking over the "Recreational Legalized Alcohol Market", which is the one part of the Prohibition Fight they missed contemplating before hand.

We know the game, and therefore are better equipped to stop that from happening with the Real Repeal of Prohibition in Michigan, with the Real Legalization of Cannabis Petition, with the Only Redress to Abused and Unauthorized Usurpation of Legislative and Judicial Authorities,
The only Petition that as a Parent, wont lock you up for making YOUR UNALIENABLE RIGHT to chose the best way to treat your ill child,
The Only State Recognized Ballot Question Committee that is Putting YOU FIRST and not the Big Money Interest.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan - Because More Laws Create More Criminals, Inked Court Dockets, Tyrannical Governments, More Taxation, More Usurpation of your Unalienable Rights, More Government Regulation of your Right to Parent and chose you and your children's very choices of food and medicine.

Abrogate Prohibition Michigan - Becuase it is the RIGHT THING to DO, not the Right Now thing that ends up doing you.

You Can Do, or you can Get Done.

beourbud-This might be the definition of the Grass Roots Movement.

It all starts with just one tiny seed in fertile soil.

All that fknrepublican bullsheutte going on in Lansing over the last 7 years has created quite the enormous compost pile.

Michigan is rich and ready and Abrogate is the Seed.
We are about 1 week away from submitting the Constitutional Amendment to the Board of Canvassers for Formatting Approval.

If you want this to work, we need you to get involved.

Thanks Rrog. We need to raise a few thousand dollars for petition printing costs and expenses to get them throughout the State to get ready to start the signature campaign.

If you were ever going to get involved, help out with a donation to help cover the cost of Printing and associated expenses of the Petition Campaign, now is the time to do it.
Tell em about the $ limit, over which you have to declare who donated and where they work