Absolute cure for spider mite infestation?

I feel for you. Though i'd never say i'm rid of them I seem to finally keeping mites at bay.
My current flowering plants show very few signs of damage, maybe the odd leaf with the tell tale spots,
and very few mites are visible crawling on the pots, not like some grows during the last almost year since
I brought home that first infested clone.
I rotate between Neem, Azamax, and Organicide. I may of missed it if it was said but Neem and Azamax are systemic
and along with spraying, I water with Neem and or Azamax depending on which i'm using when I water.
And of course, I spray the pots and water catching trays. This method at first didn't seem to slow them at all,
after spraying more often, and i think more importantly, after I started feeding with the oils, and not just spraying,
that's when I started to see real results. The only problem is, you can't really stop treating so staying on top of them is
real important. I've not noticed any bad taste or smell in the weed i've fed with the oils.
I've has some plants stink with the organicide real late in flowering so I try to use the other two the last couple weeks
until harvesting. I've also started soaking buds for 12 hours in water right after I cut, before hanging to dry.
This has no ill effect on taste, smell, or look and is not a substitute for curing, rather If anything lived through my battle
I hope to kill it, or it swims off my buds in that time.
Good luck in your genocide efforts.
On a side note, at one time earlier this year I noticed a few gnats so I bought some Diatomaceous Earth.
Does anyone know if this has any effect at all on mites? I'm thinking about the ones that end up on the sides of the pots mainly.
I'd like to hear more about Diatomaceous Earth. I saw an ad for a product I haven't heard of before called "Liquid Ladybug", has anyone used this product?
Diatomaceous Earth is great for flea and bedbug infestations. One wants the food grade that they generally sell at feed shops. It's method of action is mechanical and chemical. Microscopically, it has sharp edges that scratch the exoskeleton of pests and being hygroscopic then it's death by dessication. Totally natural and non-allergenic it's good stuff! However, it does need to be kept dry, getting it wet limits it's action. Although I've never used it on mites, it makes sense that it would work. It would be more appropriate on soil surfaces and growroom floors then trying to dust under the leaves.
In Flower use Azamax.... its organic can be used up to harvest... its a spray on application ....

or Dr Doom 3 oz fogger ...you wiil need 3-4 of them.... set off 1 bomb once every 2-3 days for about a 9-12 day period...dont use their stronger version spidermite knockout it burns the leaves

In vegetive growth... in a 32 oz spray bottle of water.... add 5 drops of FORBID and 7 drops AVID mixed together (can be bought on ebay).... spray your entire plant... 1 application is ususally all you will need

bash them all you want, no pest strips work. no more mites.
Where do you hang them?
I'm trying to figure where strips would be placed to be most effective for mites.
In the past, for bugs crawling on my pots, i've used duct tape, sticky side out around the outside top edges of some pots.
My thinking was the'd get stuck on the tape and die.
Where do you hang them?
I'm trying to figure where strips would be placed to be most effective for mites.
In the past, for bugs crawling on my pots, i've used duct tape, sticky side out around the outside top edges of some pots.
My thinking was the'd get stuck on the tape and die.

this is not a tape or sticky material. It is like a flea collar. just hang it in the room, they are dead. 7 bucks.
No doubt that No Pest Strips are the best choice. Nothing touches/wets/disturbs the plants, plus they kill EVERYTHING! It's advisable to seal off the space temporarily while using the NPS's though. Studies show that long term exposure to the active ingredients is toxic to humans and animals. Short term exposure is harmless though so it's OK to be in the space with them for short periods while doing maintenance. Also, I think people are forgetting that the plants are in the flowering stage and are in a closet. Foggers and sprays, etc. probably aren't a good choice.
this is not a tape or sticky material. It is like a flea collar. just hang it in the room, they are dead. 7 bucks.

Oh Oh OH Duh. Forgive my idiocy lol
I didn't even realize something like that existed.
I have cats so I can't be killing them. I'll read up on those though, thanks
could someone give advice on mites for me? mine is going into about week 3 of flower in a 40x40x70 or so tent under a 400 hps. just noticed the bastards about 3 days ago. made a mix of pyrithrum ( i know i msspelled that) sprayed for 3 days, totally saturating the plant. didnt notice much difference. getting some neem oil in the mail on monday or so, hoping that works.DSC04006.jpgDSC04003.jpgDSC03996.jpgDSC04004.jpgDSC04005.jpgDSC04002.jpgDSC03389.jpg
my problem is the plant is being flowered in a tent, in a garage, a work garage, with tin walls being all that seperates my girl from the wilds. will the mites be a constant issue?
i have a few others outside about 400 yards away from each other, and they have no signs of mite damage at allDSC04060.jpgDSC04057.jpgDSC04038.jpgDSC04061.jpgDSC04062.jpgDSC04031.jpgDSC04056.jpgDSC04032.jpgDSC04029.jpgDSC04050.jpgDSC04034.jpgDSC04063.jpg
neither do any of the clones.
just my big cred.
id try the dunking method but i think its too big, gonna see if i can find a good 50 gallon drum, how long would i need to keep it submerged? and would it help to run an air line in there? to maybe have the bubbles aggitate the mites off?
I feel your pain. You can check out our thread and read about how we had to throw away over 10lbs due to a massive spider mite infestation. Anyways...

Predator mites DO NOT work for an infestation.

We alternate Azatrol (on Wed) and Spectracide with Insect Control on (on Sat). When the plants are in veg and fairly small, we dip em AND spray em. It's the only way to get total coverage. The real key is to kill the eggs. We tested over a dozen products using a 100x scope hooked up to a computer monnitor. Azatrol was the only one that visably MELTED the eggs. The other products may have worked, but you couldn't see any change in the eggs. Once pistils appear in bloom we stop the Azatrol. It burns the pistils. We spray the Spectracide through week 4 of bloom. Spectracide was originally for PM, but then they added "insect control". The beauty of it is that it doesn't affect the plants AT ALL. A great side benefit of Spectracide is that you'll never have a PM problem again...regardless of your humidity.

The second part of controlling mites is to clean clean clean. We keep Malathion in a sprayer when we're trimming and spray the trash trim every 10 minutes or so in the trashcan. Bag all plant matter trash right away and get it out of grow. Thoroughly sanitize bloom room after each harvest. Use Malathion, or, better yet, Flouromite. Perpetual grows are very difficult to keep mite free. We ran this op perpetual for a while and are now slowly working the plant schedule to a 100% batch system.

We still have the odd leaf late in bloom with some mites. No webs, though. These are our old mothers we're blooming out that were around during the big infestation. Our hope is that the new plants (which have been heavily treated) will be the first mite free batch. If we still have them, I'm going to break down and get some Flouromite. Problem is, I'm in California where it's illegal. Have to find someone in another state to send it. It is, without a doubt, the end all be all of mite death. I used it about 5 years ago on another grow and it ended the problem. It has a 30 day residual contact kill. I just don't want to use such a gnarly product on plants our patients smoke and eat unless I absolutely have to.

Good luck. Keep the pressure on those fuckers. Keep a clean grow. Change up what you're using. Don't be afraid to throw away a whole branch if it seems way more infested than the rest of the plant. Kill those fucking assholes. Smash them. Destroy them. Become their worst fucking nightmare. Change your name to MITE DEATH.

Never had these evil bastards, until this grow. Lucky I caught on to their existence while still in veg...
Reading up right now, getting ready for war.
From what I've read so far, and, I also have to take into acount toxicity, my grow being in my bedroom closet as well..

So many options to attemp. It reads like they're impossible to get rid of, without killing your plants, or your pets, or yourself.

I found some genetics that I really love, and would die if I lost my crop!! They work great for pain and depression, and I'm not losing them.

Bout to go to war
...I also have to take into acount toxicity, my grow being in my bedroom closet as well..
Spider mites are a bitch, and having a grow spot that you enter repeatedly doesn't help. Those buggers can hitch a ride on anything. Since you have a living area involved, you really can't do a complete scrub down and fogging would probably hurt you more than the bugs.
Spider mites are a bitch, and having a grow spot that you enter repeatedly doesn't help. Those buggers can hitch a ride on anything. Since you have a living area involved, you really can't do a complete scrub down and fogging would probably hurt you more than the bugs.
Thats exactly what sucks so bad. Growing In a living area, I feel that its going to be a maintenance program, not a solution.
Never had to deal with this before but I'm going to give it all I've got.
I cant use toxic chemicals in my bedroom obviously right, so Im wondering where to start... Misting with a 50/50 Alcohol, water mixture for now till I can order something that is safe and effective...