With multiple bloom spaces, I suggest your next expansion be a pre bloom veg tent or space nearly as large (maybe half the square footage) as your bloom tent so you can grow your girls to bloom ready size while the previous crop finishes. The more stages you have in such a room, the more bloom tents you can accommodate. With two, I would think just one or two stages would be perfect.
I think of it like this; a jet airliner makes zero money while it's sitting on the ground, so getting it turned around and back in the air with paying passengers is essential to make the plane pay for itself.
In a very similar way, your bloom space is not earning its keep anytime it isn't running IN BLOOM. Downtime is anytime it's not running a bloom cycle with properly sized plants in it. For comparison's sake, my turnaround was no more than 30 minutes; in that time I pulled the finished crop, changed the nutrient solution, vacuumed, mopped the floor and installed a fresh batch of plants already grown, trained, trellised and fully ready for their first day in the bloom cycle.
If you have two tents and you veg for a month in them before flip (just judging by the size of the plants in the pic), a pre bloom stage will effectively add another tent. Also, this allows you time to best train the plants for the space you have.
Since you're helping me with advice for running my cloner, I feel I should return the favor!