Abusive Moderator

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New Member
Heres my final final conclusion about this whole situation.

2 wrongs = never a right.

Serapis got on his soap box and everyone ganged up on FDD leaving his back aginst the wall. When you do that what do you expect the end result? Me and FDD had our diffrences but I see where he was coming from now just like he saw with me. Mabe if we all could just take a minute and go "hey...mabe I was wrong" this forum would be a million times better.

With that being said I can log off grasscity.com -wipes sweat-

Everyone get off your soap boxes and get too your grow rooms. See ya in the indoor growing!



Well-Known Member
Dude your post count says 53 thousand! lol If you were trying to be funny you should make it read 530 thousnad. ;)

Btw- I saw your name and your Avatar on a video called brown dirt farmer.....pretty sweet. (yes i know thats ancient history)


Well-Known Member
not here to bitch and moan,most of the people ive come across on here are good people,but like in any situation,you have a few bad ones in the bunch...this will include both members and mods.

so i come to offer a few suggestions to maybe better everyones experience here.i hear that the mods are overworked...a couple solutions to keep them from spending all day policing the threads...

first idea...make a few sub forums of current forums that can be nsfw,we are all adults on this site.,we can handle situations that arise,if its a nsfw thread...then everything goes...you know going in its a non-censored forum.so if you see something you dont like...you have the option to leave,and the option to not respond...but as we all know someone is going to respond...people can hide behind their keyboard and act like a badass...and their will always be those types that cross the line...but to help limit personal attacks here is....

second idea...give the original poster of the thread more control of their thread...some of us take a good amount of time just starting our threads.when i start a new grow journal or post a thread asking a question...ii take a lot of time with just the first post.making sure that all details are included,as many pics as i can....and it takes some time to do that.then after spending all that time some jackass comes in and pisses in your bong water...thats not cool...nor kosher.why not give the threads owner the right to remove user comments.let the thread owner control and police their own territory...give them the option to ban certain users from their thread.its not right that people can come in and ruin and possibly shutdown your own thread.lose something you have been using and building for months..to have it removed over someone that,if given the option,you could yourself delete their comment and remove them off your thread

now would this not keep mods from being overwhelmed?would people not have to run and find a mod every time some pisses them off?would this keep mods from picking an choosing who they want to enforce rules on and letting a ton of other stuff slide?

then in case those want to start threads just to break site rules...have an option to report a users thread to an admin

sorry if i ran way too long with this...i just dont want this site to turn into something growers new and old wont come too just over drama.so this is why i suggest this.being a web designer i know this isnt something hard to code in.why not give it a try...can always switch it back if its not working.

and i wrote this high......came down a little bit...now im going to smoke another bowl..we should all do the same


New Member
I see your trying to help the situation, but I think we should let this thread die. It's caused enough damage and this IS a growing site right?


Well-Known Member
Yes this is a growing site but name of forum is TOKE N TALK talk with other stoners........growing is not a requirment for this forum.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I had a run in with the same mod ya'll are talking about and I ended up with an infraction.

One I deserved.

I practically backed him into a corner and bitch slapped him before he finally gave me my one and only infraction. In all honesty he did it as a last resort. Calling him a little F*cker was the final straw. Personally, I don't like his passive aggressive baiting of fellow subscribers but he isn't power crazy or TOO arbitrary when it comes to handing out infractions. If he gave you one then you most likely deserved it.

Internet is serious business, folks. :D


New Member
fdd is pretty good at trolling, it's too bad he has to tiptoe around and be really subtle with everything though.


Active Member
It's a shame to see all the complaints against a single moderator keep stacking up. Now he is fighting with another moderator in a public thread that was supposedly closed. He just doesn't know when to give up or shut up. I'm tired of watching him abuse other members and hand out BS infractions. I'm tired of pointing this crap out to other moderators.

Can we vote one out?
i think i know who your talking about. i jus got off a ten day ban because i defended myself lol


Well-Known Member
I had a run in with the same mod ya'll are talking about and I ended up with an infraction.

One I deserved.

I practically backed him into a corner and bitch slapped him before he finally gave me my one and only infraction. In all honesty he did it as a last resort. Calling him a little F*cker was the final straw. Personally, I don't like his passive aggressive baiting of fellow subscribers but he isn't power crazy or TOO arbitrary when it comes to handing out infractions. If he gave you one then you most likely deserved it.

Internet is serious business, folks. :D

i just reversed your infraction.

:) bongsmilie :eyesmoke:
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