Accidental weed killer on my plant!!!!

Ouch its an AF too that blows, I wouldn't get rid of it till u know fosho its dead, but regardless it will probably screw up ur overall yield, but if ur growin AF strains wouldn't u be better off growing it indoors so u could put it on like a 20/4 or even do a 24hr light cycle to get maximum yield from it.
Shouldn't be using herbicides/pesticides at all. That shit is terrible and is directly responsible for killing my bees.

Even though your plant was in a pot there is drift from the spray. If it's glyphosate based then you are screwed.

The active ingredient in"Finale" (the herbicide used by his dad) is Glufosinate-ammonium. While similar in its mode-of-action to Glyphosate(Roundup) it tends to work slightly faster, especially in hot weather. Neither product has a residual effect and are not persistent in the soil profile as both are rapidly broken down by microbes present in all soils. Nor does either chemical leach to surrounding vegetation. With careful judicious use, both products can used in close proximity to cannabis or food-producing crops with no risk to the end user. The likelihood that any herbicide caused a decline or loss of your bee population is highly unlikely. Insecticides on the other hand can easily be the responsible causation. It would be prudent not to lump in all "herbicides/pesticides" in to one group and blame them all when it may only one( or none)that is actually responsible.