Accidentally Growing!!! -- Advice greatly needed/appreciated :)


First post here--hello everybody! :eyesmoke:

So here's the deal... A while back, a friend and I bought some rather iffy looking weed--lots of stems and shake, but we couldn't turn down a bargain ($50 for a half of the stuff). In the bottom of the bag, we found two seeds. Neither of us have had any experience growing, so we just put the seeds in a pots of dirt from his garden, watered them, and put them on the windowsill, just to see if they would sprout. It was really half-assed, and we didn't expect anything to happen... "Wouldn't it be awesome if they actually grew?" we laughed to ourselves...

Fast forward one week, and both of them have sprouted! :mrgreen: So now we're a bit in over our head with two seedlings, and I've been researching everything I can get my hands on. I went to Lowes today and bought some lights (decided to do CFL due to cost, space, and the fact that it's only two plants). I rigged up a temporary grow box (cardboard box 20" long, 11" deep, 22" tall) with 4 of the bulbs, and it's sitting here right next to me. I'm using 4x 26 watt (100 watt equivalent) CFL bulbs which are "daylight" 6500k. Total lumens: 6400.

So, I have a few questions, and hopefully you guys can help me out.

1) What to do about soil? They've both sprouted now, but they're in random soil from my friend's backyard, and who knows what's in there. I feel like I should transplant them into better soil, but I'm worried about shocking them this early on. Any thoughts/tips?

2) A question about safety/fire hazards. I bought the light fixtures at lowes and it said that they were rated for "up to 150watt bulbs". Now, I currently have two 26 watt CFLs plugged into each of these using a Y-splitter, for a total of 52 watts. This all seems fine, but what I'm wondering is, when considering the rating of the fixture, should I use the ACTUAL amount of wattage (52 watts), or the EQUIVALENT wattage of incandescent (200 watts). If it's the latter, then I'm 50 watts over. This is important, because they're in a cardboard box, and obviously I don't want to start any fires. I like the idea of the Y-splitters, because it puts two bulbs very close to each plant, and it uses the side of the bulb rather than the top, which I read somewhere produces more lumens.

3) Ventilation. Any good/quick ideas given my set-up? For now I'm just keeping the door open, and the temp hovers right around 80 degrees, which seems fine. Still, I want to get some moving air in there, and I want to be able to close the box when I leave the house.

4) Reflection. I have read that it's best to paint your walls matte white for reflection. Given my small scale operation, and lack of paint lying around, I've simply taped pieces of white paper flush along the inside walls of the box. Are there any issues with this? Seems like it should be fine.

I think that's all for now. If you guys have any general advice, knowledge, or wisdom you'd like to impart on me, I would very much appreciate it. We had no intention of growing, but now we've been presented with the opportunity, and I want to do the best job possible without investing too much money into a questionable final product (seeds came from iffy weed to start with). I've attached 3 pictures that should clarify things a bit.

Sorry for the long post! Thanks for reading, smoke on, and all the best :-)




Active Member
Well looks all ok first of all. Soil - get some organic. Lights - they are ok on that fixture i have the same. You might want to get some nutes. Just remember its a weed let it grow dont smother it.


Well-Known Member
Best advice I can give you is to read the first 40 pages of my NooB Advice thread (sig link) I taught a class there and everything you need to know is there (you can read further if you want)

My Calling All Noob Growers thread is also full of info and student testimonials

PS your totally ok on the wattage of the lights it is the actual not the equivelant


Well-Known Member
If you have a little free time, you could make a "rubbermaid grow box." That's what I'm currently using. It'll cost you about 10 bucks in the end. All you need is a hot glue gun, a boxcutter, 2 rubbermaid bins (or knock offs), and a roll of wrapping paper with the reflective backside. Basically you would fashion the 2 rubbermaid bins into one growing box and spread the wrapping paper, reflective side up, across the inside of the bins. Just google "rubbermaid grow box" to see an example.


Thanks for all your quick responses guys! About the soil, should I just suck it up and transfer them into proper pots with real soil now? How would I go about doing that? I know that to transfer, you usually just take the whole rootball of a smaller pot out and put it in a larger pot. The problem is, this early on, I doubt there are many roots holding things together. I could just dig a general circle around the plants, and scoop them into bigger pots. What to do, what to do...

Best advice I can give you is to read the first 40 pages of my NooB Advice thread (sig link) I taught a class there and everything you need to know is there (you can read further if you want)

My Calling All Noob Growers thread is also full of info and student testimonials

PS your totally ok on the wattage of the lights it is the actual not the equivelant
Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check that thread out.. And that's good to hear about the lights, I was nervous about that :)

If you have a little free time, you could make a "rubbermaid grow box." That's what I'm currently using. It'll cost you about 10 bucks in the end. All you need is a hot glue gun, a boxcutter, 2 rubbermaid bins (or knock offs), and a roll of wrapping paper with the reflective backside. Basically you would fashion the 2 rubbermaid bins into one growing box and spread the wrapping paper, reflective side up, across the inside of the bins. Just google "rubbermaid grow box" to see an example.
That sounds pretty crafty! I'm wondering, though, what would be the advantages of that over a cardboard box? Just bigger?

wow, good luck with that!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your quick responses guys! About the soil, should I just suck it up and transfer them into proper pots with real soil now? How would I go about doing that? I know that to transfer, you usually just take the whole rootball of a smaller pot out and put it in a larger pot. The problem is, this early on, I doubt there are many roots holding things together. I could just dig a general circle around the plants, and scoop them into bigger pots. What to do, what to do...

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely check that thread out.. And that's good to hear about the lights, I was nervous about that :)

Your not ready to tansplant yet give em a few weeks, read my threads I promise you'll be fine


Your not ready to tansplant yet give em a few weeks, read my threads I promise you'll be fine
Cool--thanks again! I hope that they grow well enough in this random yard soil to get big and strong. My buddy has other things growing in his garden, so it's not like it's totally barren, but I was just wondering about nutes/pests/etc.


Well-Known Member
If you have a little free time,

you know he gots time...

look how he took the time to perfectly type that

First post here--hello everybody! :eyesmoke:

So here's the deal... A while back, a friend and I bought some rather iffy looking weed--lots of stems and shake, but we couldn't turn down a bargain ($50 for a half of the stuff). In the bottom of the bag, we found two seeds. Neither of us have had any experience growing, so we just put the seeds in a pots of dirt from his garden, watered them, and put them on the windowsill, just to see if they would sprout. It was really half-assed, and we didn't expect anything to happen... "Wouldn't it be awesome if they actually grew?" we laughed to ourselves...

Fast forward one week, and both of them have sprouted! :mrgreen: So now we're a bit in over our head with two seedlings, and I've been researching everything I can get my hands on. I went to Lowes today and bought some lights (decided to do CFL due to cost, space, and the fact that it's only two plants). I rigged up a temporary grow box (cardboard box 20" long, 11" deep, 22" tall) with 4 of the bulbs, and it's sitting here right next to me. I'm using 4x 26 watt (100 watt equivalent) CFL bulbs which are "daylight" 6500k. Total lumens: 6400.

So, I have a few questions, and hopefully you guys can help me out.

1) What to do about soil? They've both sprouted now, but they're in random soil from my friend's backyard, and who knows what's in there. I feel like I should transplant them into better soil, but I'm worried about shocking them this early on. Any thoughts/tips?

2) A question about safety/fire hazards. I bought the light fixtures at lowes and it said that they were rated for "up to 150watt bulbs". Now, I currently have two 26 watt CFLs plugged into each of these using a Y-splitter, for a total of 52 watts. This all seems fine, but what I'm wondering is, when considering the rating of the fixture, should I use the ACTUAL amount of wattage (52 watts), or the EQUIVALENT wattage of incandescent (200 watts). If it's the latter, then I'm 50 watts over. This is important, because they're in a cardboard box, and obviously I don't want to start any fires. I like the idea of the Y-splitters, because it puts two bulbs very close to each plant, and it uses the side of the bulb rather than the top, which I read somewhere produces more lumens.

3) Ventilation. Any good/quick ideas given my set-up? For now I'm just keeping the door open, and the temp hovers right around 80 degrees, which seems fine. Still, I want to get some moving air in there, and I want to be able to close the box when I leave the house.

4) Reflection. I have read that it's best to paint your walls matte white for reflection. Given my small scale operation, and lack of paint lying around, I've simply taped pieces of white paper flush along the inside walls of the box. Are there any issues with this? Seems like it should be fine.

I think that's all for now. If you guys have any general advice, knowledge, or wisdom you'd like to impart on me, I would very much appreciate it. We had no intention of growing, but now we've been presented with the opportunity, and I want to do the best job possible without investing too much money into a questionable final product (seeds came from iffy weed to start with). I've attached 3 pictures that should clarify things a bit.

Sorry for the long post! Thanks for reading, smoke on, and all the best :-)

damn my man...

you must be really :eyesmoke: right now

just like i am...

cuz thats the only way that i could have typed that as neatly as you did bro....good job...

im so high that i acindently hit summit reply on this post before i finished it..

now im finishing it so i can post it for real...

shit im blazed like hell , let me quit typeing now cuz im just rambleing......:peace:


Active Member
i just started an i only have a 100 watt light ( for now) is this enough?, they look like this guys plant
please message me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i just started an i only have a 100 watt light ( for now) is this enough?, they look like this guys plant
please message me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you don't yet have enough post to get a PM

what kind of light is it???



you know he gots time...

look how he took the time to perfectly type that

damn my man...

you must be really :eyesmoke: right now

just like i am...

cuz thats the only way that i could have typed that as neatly as you did bro....good job...

im so high that i acindently hit summit reply on this post before i finished it..

now im finishing it so i can post it for real...

shit im blazed like hell , let me quit typeing now cuz im just rambleing......:peace:
hahahah, I'm actually pretty sober right now... Been bustling around trying to set everything up, and didn't want to have some stupid accident and set something on fire. Now that things are set up, it's time to sit back, smoke a bowl, and watch them grow. I swear to god I think the seedling on the left has grown visually in the past 2 or 3 hours, which is blowing my mind . :bigjoint:

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Get some good soil or soiless mix. Use it in a few weeks. The soil from his backyard could have bad bugs in it so watch for that. Transplant after about 2 weeks of being a baby. CFL's are very safe and efficient. I have 2 oscillating fans, 2 600 watt HPS lights, one crappy fan, one vent fan, and one intake fan all on the same circuit. ITs been that way for almost a year. No fires or problems at all to speak of. Get a surge protector with a fuse in it for added protection. Also always keep power above the waist and water below the waist. For ventilation all you need is a fan to move air around. However more fans you have the less likely you will have heat pockets in your room. Heat pockets are areas of the room that could be like 20 degrees hotter than the canopy can even be more than that. This could also start fires but prolly not. If the room your in isnt already white, then you should have white walls. This just adds to the light that the plants get, it isnt 100% needed but will affect yield. In fact all of these things affect yield. I mean do u die in an enclosed room in ur house? No. lol


Congrats, hope they're girls.

You realise this is how it starts? A small half-arsed grow just for larks and then before you know it you're smuggling in Mexicans to work your giant underground pot-farm. --> -
hahahhahaha man, this actually made me laugh out loud. and yeah, crossing my fingers about the gender... how many weeks would you expect it to take until you can determine sex in this sort of grow?


Well-Known Member
hahahah, I'm actually pretty sober right now... Been bustling around trying to set everything up, and didn't want to have some stupid accident and set something on fire. Now that things are set up, it's time to sit back, smoke a bowl, and watch them grow. I swear to god I think the seedling on the left has grown visually in the past 2 or 3 hours, which is blowing my mind . :bigjoint:

They do that, just wait till you make it rain :bigjoint:


Hey guys--

Just added a ventilation system, and thought you might be curious to see. I used an old PC fan and cell phone charger wired together for the exhaust fan up top, and just cut a hole in the bottom for passive intake. It seems to move a pretty decent amount of air--enough to make the cute little sapling quiver in the breeze :weed:

It's amazing what you can do with shit lying around your house.... if you're a crafty pot smoker that is :mrgreen:


Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Hey guys--

Just added a ventilation system, and thought you might be curious to see. I used an old PC fan and cell phone charger wired together for the exhaust fan up top, and just cut a hole in the bottom for passive intake. It seems to move a pretty decent amount of air--enough to make the cute little sapling quiver in the breeze :weed:

It's amazing what you can do with shit lying around your house.... if you're a crafty pot smoker that is :mrgreen:
o god bro, this looks like my last grow=the grow from hell.... lol good luck I hope this works for you. Good last minute setup tho +rep

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Oh no! what happened to your grow? :confused::confused::confused:

This is my first, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best...
ok heres the deal carboard SUX BALLS. MY cat jumped on it, it buckled. I made a new one my cat jumper on it, it buckled. I bought wood to reinforce it, my cat jumped on it, it buckled. I ended up using the box as the night area and the closet as the day area. I couldnt take it ne more. They fucked up 3 of them hermed because of stress from the box buckling. Also I had horrible ventilation, YOURS LOOKS MUCH BETTER. Cardboard sux and I will continue to advise against it the rest of my life lol.