accidential outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
check it out i found this plant outside a few weeks ago. it started growing from a seed tossed out with some ash... i hope it is female! i have been setting up a mirror outside to help reflect some sunlight so it gets several hours every day.

any advice would be great as i have never done this before... had to trim some leaves off to "disguise" it when parents came to visit but now its growing pretty nicely.

here are a few pics... one from a few weeks ago and the other from earlier this week. the first pic is about a foot tall, and it is now about 2ft tall. i have since tied a string to start to bend it to follow the fence and grow more covertly and bushier


Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
check it out i found this plant outside a few weeks ago. it started growing from a seed tossed out with some ash... i hope it is female! i have been setting up a mirror outside to help reflect some sunlight so it gets several hours every day.

any advice would be great as i have never done this before... had to trim some leaves off to "disguise" it when parents came to visit but now its growing pretty nicely.

here are a few pics... one from a few weeks ago and the other from earlier this week. the first pic is about a foot tall, and it is now about 2ft tall. i have since tied a string to start to bend it to follow the fence and grow more covertly and bushier

Ha ha good stuff mate, it looks great aswell!

+rep my friend!


Well-Known Member
well i fertilized it for the first time yesterday with some 20/20/20 fertilizer and was scared that maybe i had overfertilized it... but now its looking great although the sun isn't around today

you can see the string i have tied to start to bend it. i have a vision of it bending all the way to almost touching the ground and i will support it with a stake there, then let it climb back up and let it snake across my fence about knee-high.



Well-Known Member
thought i'd update with a few pics. the bending is going well, now i have a whole row of new stalks growing. the first pic is from above, and the second is from the side

i have a question for those that know... i see some things on the side that look like little pistils but this is an outdoor plant and it is definitely disturbed by lights at night... is there any way it would be showing sex or is it just the beginnings of new veg leaves?



Well-Known Member
as far as i can tell with thos pictures , no sex is showing yet.
Good luck tho man! Crazy story on that plant should be some nice bud if its a female!
keep at it, i like the idea you have with having it bending and growing accross the fence like a vine :P
Cant wasit to see how this turns out!


Well-Known Member
i really hope its a girl... now that i have bent it horizontally, it is like each top is a plant of its own growing upwards...

I have a question about support when it gets too heavy to hold all the veg... I was thinking about using U-nails to secure the stem to a stake, then staking it into the ground as support. is there a better way?



Well-Known Member
A great little accident that happened :) Will be a shame if it turns out to be male though keepin my fingers crossed for ya bud


Well-Known Member
I would transplant that sucker into some good ass soil mix
i was thinking about doing this because i could also flower it sooner if it were able to be moved inside... i am worried that the root system is already too deep. Does anyone know how big the roots usually are for a plant about 2ft long with veg like this one?


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about doing this because i could also flower it sooner if it were able to be moved inside... i am worried that the root system is already too deep. Does anyone know how big the roots usually are for a plant about 2ft long with veg like this one?
Don't dig it up The big concrete block is in the way and the fence, you'll end up damaging the roots big time. just let her grow the way she is and she'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
i wanna see how much bud u get from that. how did u trim the leaves to disgize it at first
if u see some of the older, bigger leaf clusters have only 2 or 3 leaves on them instead of 5... thats what i mean by disguising it lol. i just pinched off 2 leaves a day for a couple days

old pothead

Well-Known Member
My first plant was a accident also,that was almost 40 years ago.Your plant will do just fine where it is.I have grown plants in shade before with no troubles,yours looks like it is doing real good.
If you want to find out the sex of your plant,make a bag out of black plastic that will fit over a lower branch.Put it on the branch so that it only gets 12 hours of light,you will know the sex within a week.OPH