Accused of being heartless


Well-Known Member
Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.


Pickle Queen
lmfao mmm rabbit stew,

No putting the poor thing out of it's misery was the best choice, but as a female i probably would have reacted in a similar manner, i hit something a few ago weeks ago while driving with my man, i thought it was a kitty, he said no a mole or something but i was in tears, i just don't like killing things unless it's required to survive


I once put a puppy of its misery. That poor thing was loitering on the train tracks. There was an engine coming slowly. He honked the horn many times, but the poor thing wouldn't move. The engine came very slowly and the puppy got trapped to the mesh. It got dragged along for a few meters and many bones broke.

I gently pulled it off the track and placed its head on another track where a train was coming. I am atheist but I don't know why, I said a small prayer.

I know I did the right thing. In this world, we have to sometimes do what need to be done.


Moderatrix of Journals
well, here in canada, thanks to people like her (and, probably to some degree the motherless, heartlacking type of poachers), it is ILLEGAL to mercy kill injured wildlife. we have to call the department responsible (depending if it's fish or land animal) and wait for *them to dispatch (ehem!) one of their people to do it.
from what i understand it's one of those "technically illegal" things where they have to catch you in the act to prosecute and most DFO and DOF guys wouldn't be bothered, but legally they CAN throw the fucking BOOK at you if they do - revoke your fac, the whole 9. my B-I-L the hunting guide says it's fucking stupid.

my man drives towards stuff hanging out on roads or at the side of the road, "to put the fear of man into them," and while i totally agree, i still yell at him when he catches me off-guard. so maybe try and give her the benefit of the doubt? maybe once the initial shock wears off she'll kick herself later for being so abusive to the nice passerby who offered her assistance and acted decisively when she couldn't. besides, let's face it: we live in a culture of death-denial. there are a lot of people out there who simply haven't been around enough *life*, period, to know when too-far-gone is too-far-gone.


Well-Known Member
It's all good I went by the VFW and the guys were still giggling about it.
Things like you should have seen her face, and you walked right past her get into your car wave and drive off,
she stood there for about 5 mins. trying to get herself back togeather.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
yep, cant let an animal suffer. shortly after moving onto our new property a sad similar thing happened to me. i woke up early one morn. and let 2 of my pitts out to take care of bus. and low and behold my neighbors cat was on my wifes car...well it was 200 ft. to the fence line and the cat didnt make it. by the time i got my big male to back off, the cat was too far gone. lets just say my dog opened it up. anyways being a felon i "didnt" have a firearm so i had to club it in the head to put it down. man i was pissed. i had petted that cat and that made it even harder. i now have a gun, its well hid and i promised myself that if i gotta do it wont be as personal. you did the right thing!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
op did the right thing. the only thing you could have done different was maybe warn the lady, but that wouldn't have went well either. reminds me of a time when i was about 15 or so and me and a group of friends were walking near a park and a car hit a raccoon. the poor thing dragged itself over to a fence and was making these god awful sounds. so being kids we were pretty disturbed by this and we called the police so they could come shoot it or send someone or something. long story short they blew us off because we were kids and 2 weeks later the rotted carcass was still there. fucking cruel and unsanitary. it was a fucking public park for god's sake with a suffering, then rotting raccoon. it still gives me the creeps thinging about it. my city doesn't have that cliche "guy with a shovel" who goes around taking care of that stuff. dudes like the op are all we have. good work.


New Member
I was headed out of town last night going to a friends to party.
When this lady ahead of me hits this rabbit that ran out in front of her car.
She pulls over and I pull in behind her, she gets out of her car and starts going nuts because this poor little bunny now has a broke back and one of it's leggs was !/2 tore off.
She's all Oh My GOD!!! oh help it.
I walked to the back of my car while telling her I would help it.
I reached in and grabbed my tire iron casually walked up to the poor little fella
And crushed it's skull, it was quick and humane but Man did she freak out!!
Shes like I can't believe you did that you SOB!!!:shock:
I thru the dead rabbit off the road got in my car and started to drive off when I noticed that a bunch of my buddies at the VFW Hall were standing outside and saw the whole thing, standing there laughing their asses off at her reaction.

Was I wrong for doing this???

only mistake you made was not PUTTING HER OUT OF YOUR MISERY AS WELL!!! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
you were 100% in the right.

my dad is a truck driver, and i went out drivin with him years back. one night a deer jumped in front of the passenger side bumper. it went under the front tires, under the second set(which is actually 2 pairs on each side), then flew to the left and, we think, got hit by the very back drivers side tires(the ones on the trailer). when we went back to check on it, all of his legs were smashed to bits and his back was at a 90 degree angle. he was still breathing and gurgling. by total coincidence, a "park ranger" type guy drove by, and let us use his knife to cut its throat.

it was a pretty sad day, since we are both very big animal lovers. but he knew he had to do it, for the sake of the deer


Well-Known Member
you did right by me but not by the law. witch is lame.

my brother was in the same situation kinda but with a chicken. the chicken was flopping on the ground convulsing. my brother is a hick and so are his friends they were all drunk and out front of rays food place. my bro grabbed the chicken up and snapped its neck to put it out of its misery, like most people would. then the store owner ran out saying he is calling the cops for killing speckles the store mascot. my brother took off and was caught a few weeks later cuz a reward was out for any info for him. his supposed friends turned him in to.
the cops asked why he killed it and he answer cuz it was suffering so i put it out of its misery. my brother cooperated and every thing and they took him to jail and charged him with a felony charge. it is bull shit how laws are but thats how it works.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I was headed out of town last night going to a friends to party.
When this lady ahead of me hits this rabbit that ran out in front of her car.
She pulls over and I pull in behind her, she gets out of her car and starts going nuts because this poor little bunny now has a broke back and one of it's leggs was !/2 tore off.
She's all Oh My GOD!!! oh help it.
I walked to the back of my car while telling her I would help it.
I reached in and grabbed my tire iron casually walked up to the poor little fella
And crushed it's skull, it was quick and humane but Man did she freak out!!
Shes like I can't believe you did that you SOB!!!:shock:
I thru the dead rabbit off the road got in my car and started to drive off when I noticed that a bunch of my buddies at the VFW Hall were standing outside and saw the whole thing, standing there laughing their asses off at her reaction.

Was I wrong for doing this???
Haha! You're my hero! Murder is fucking kickass!