ace1059's garden, first grow


Well-Known Member
she really came back from the water saga.
is she still on the bannana diet.
mine are and still loving it. feed them day befor yesterday and just take off
every time so happy. and the little bit of crust seems to hold the water better
and isent drying out so fast. I wish you could grow her bigger.
she is so pretty


Well-Known Member
Hey MrsMcGreggor! ya im doing it every other water. im glad it came back to.. i almost lost it lol glad your plants love it, i think everyone should do it. but ya the little crust does help keep the water from drying out , its geat.


Well-Known Member
i havent read the whole journal... i did, however, read the part about your "MOM" finding out that "YOU SMOKE".... and you dont wanna get in any more trouble...

honestly bro, man to man.... if you are "old enough" to smoke and grow, as i dont condone any form of intoxicants going to minors as i have kids of my own, you should be old enough to respect your mothers wishes... if she doesnt like you smoking, she'll blow an o ring if she finds out you are growing.... some mothers are cool and will help you grow, some mothers are cool and dont mind you smoking as long as it isnt in their house (fully understandable as they can be held accountable as well if its in their name) and some will call the fucking cops on you for it... is it worth chancing a place to live, a criminal record, and more than that (if it is what you have) a close bond with your family for this???

no disrespect, although it chaps my nads to think about this shit.... hope all goes well with your grow, but in all honesty, you are incorporating innocent people into something that you could just buy on your own until you are on your own...


Well-Known Member
i havent read the whole journal... i did, however, read the part about your "MOM" finding out that "YOU SMOKE".... and you dont wanna get in any more trouble...

honestly bro, man to man.... if you are "old enough" to smoke and grow, as i dont condone any form of intoxicants going to minors as i have kids of my own, you should be old enough to respect your mothers wishes... if she doesnt like you smoking, she'll blow an o ring if she finds out you are growing.... some mothers are cool and will help you grow, some mothers are cool and dont mind you smoking as long as it isnt in their house (fully understandable as they can be held accountable as well if its in their name) and some will call the fucking cops on you for it... is it worth chancing a place to live, a criminal record, and more than that (if it is what you have) a close bond with your family for this???

no disrespect, although it chaps my nads to think about this shit.... hope all goes well with your grow, but in all honesty, you are incorporating innocent people into something that you could just buy on your own until you are on your own...
FUCKKKKKK i know!! im mad at myself for it but i have like one month left so i want to just pull it thru one last month and then im definently not doing it gona do an outdoor one but its killling me! i was so dum to do it, your 100% right. im just confused on what i should do....


Well-Known Member
June 1

almost done, im thinkin about 2 weeks, wbu? i was gone for a week and my friend took care of it. he screwed the timer up so it was in complete dark for a day :evil: that was 2 days ago. its comin back looking good, here sum pics (sorry i havnt posted in a while, my cam wa broken)
DSC00382.JPG DSC00383.jpg

DSC00387.jpg DSC00392.jpg- side cola

main cola.jpg - main cola


Well-Known Member
have missed you an da bannana babys...
I see the little red folgers can is missing...
great to see your all doing so well.


Well-Known Member
wow i thought you were dead!!
Yeah i'd estimate about 2 weeks, but only the trichomes can tell.
Looking pretty good man



Well-Known Member
Yes yellowing and falling off is normal towards the end of the cycle.
Crinkiling I'm not as sure about... anyone else?



Well-Known Member
sorry guys, had to chop her down before harvest... my mom knew all along and never really did anything untill 1 week before fuking harvest, im so pissed and im so fuking dumb. shes not that mad but idk im so mad all that time wasted god all i want to do is smoke sum fukin weed, oh well i guess i deserved it because i dnt have my own place. should of listened to the other people saying it was stupid to do. she wasnt even pissed that it was weed she was just mad cuz its elegal and she could loose her job so ya im dumb i dunno maybe ill do outdoor in a corn crop lol


Well-Known Member
oooooooooooooo I am so sorry to hear that....!
is she totaly gone??? serious can you reclaim any leafs at all?
I have a recipe for hemp paper. don't laugh I am serious.
you an ma could make a little hemp paper together. YOUR mom is a very
special person. she let you play and have fun. I think she was even
a little proud of you. BUT you can be adult show her some of the neat atributes
hemp can offer. IF your really smart buy your ma a hemp shirt. they have em on line.
Like I say YOUR mom sounds really wonderful. work with her. SHE has a vote.
She loves her son. and just dosent want to see you end up with your butt in jail.
That is a powerful start to changing laws. make some paper together. and turn it into a scrap book with pics of you two.
rent the movie Saving Grace. your ma would love that. and a couple documenterys
like magic seed or grass... all three can be rented from netflix. remember that church lady that left the note. she was not a bad person. Neather is your ma. BUT she would sure be proud of you if you made lemon aid out of lemons and you asked her to be with you. Make your ma proud and be the good man I see. you both could have a lot of fun maybe not what you invisoned to start with. BUT fun anyway you look at it.