Acid burn? Mg cal def?

Ok my friend has a grow. Here are the specs. Fox farm ocean forest soil. Feeding a FF nutrient schedule. They are 2 weeks into flowering and are 3rd generation clones. Schedule is fed at half dose. Big bloom, tiger bloom, bestie bloom. And a touch of grow big. I have mixed a batch of water with a little molasses but have used it prior with no problems. Temps are a bit of a problem ranging from 75 -at times 99. Have a hard time remembering to open door sometimes. Using a 400 watt hps light. About 1 and a half feet from tip canopy. PH runoff is yellowish, assuming range 5.0-5.5. Each generation has had this problem. Ive tried adjusting the PH with ph up. Any help appreciated. 20151005_081140.jpg20151005_081207.jpg


Active Member
Could tell you the heat def didn't help and I see your in soil, ph should be between 6-7 for soil. I know on my test kit red is like a ph of 3.0 or 4 I forget.



The first photo with the spots and yellowing looks like it could be Ca deficiency. That problem will generally start lower on the plant. You can google cannabis leaf deficiencies and find a great chart with leaves displaying the signs at assorted stages, and some close up photos that may make it easier for you to identify. Are you using tap water or reverse osmosis water? RO water has Ca/mag removed. If so, 2 weeks into flower isn't too late to add some Cal-Mag, I think the feeding schedule goes to 3rd/4th week of flowering? If it is a CA def, the necrotic spots won't heal, even after you correct the def. Safergro and Botanicare seem to be the leading choices I see people use.

The second looks more like heat burn, although I think there are some mineral defs that will also show as burnt tips.

From what I've done, it seems a lot of the Kush strains are super heavy Ca feeders. Mine did not get enough and I had to supplement tap water with Cal-mag, signs showed up really early.

And yeah, you want to keep your soil in the sweet spot of 6-7, you fall too far above/below and your roots won't be able to take up nutrients nearly as effectively. Test strips are cheap, in the long run a $20 digital pH meter is even cheaper.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
user141080_pic834101_1328773618.jpg user141080_pic834101_1328773618.jpg
Here is the chart and I found tap water to be a pain in the back side. Now I use bottled water at 6.2 ph and plant love it I'm in soil too.. Tap water causes allot of problems like cal mag for me even with ph up or down in... my case but bottled water is cleaner and costing me £2.10 for 10 liters in the end it's worth it for my lady's I grow personal budds so I don't have meny plants. hope it helps
Thank you for the advice.using tap water from the well. I consistently raise the ph of what im putting in, but it always has a lower run off. And ive read alot of different opinions as far as what it should read. The charts ive looked at, and everything you guys are suggesting, my conclusion is the same.


Well-Known Member
is there anywhere i can buy that as a poster I would love to have it in my grow room!
Hmm not sure ....ANY OF THESE CHARTS are confusing but imo easiest one to tell mobile nutrient problems.... shit just copy and paste ...print it and get it blown up...that'd be cheap as shit


Active Member
Foxfarm ocean forest is really "hot' soil. You probably dont need any nutes for awhile, and what you are giving it is combined with what is in the soil to be to much.