Acid => Shooms?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
yeah I looked into it turns out its more of a placebo effect which will no longer work for me cus I know its only a placebo thanks jerk....

"Milk will not sober you up from a psychedelic experience. If any decrease in the potency of a psychedelic trip is felt, it would be meer placebo but as many have mentioned, placebo is a very powerful effect. However, not "placebo" enough to curb a psychedelic. Melatonin or any other over the counter medication products do not have the potency to put the "trip" to rest."
Ignorance is bliss and Knowledge is power.


Well-Known Member
yeah I looked into it turns out its more of a placebo effect which will no longer work for me cus I know its only a placebo thanks jerk....

"Milk will not sober you up from a psychedelic experience. If any decrease in the potency of a psychedelic trip is felt, it would be meer placebo but as many have mentioned, placebo is a very powerful effect. However, not "placebo" enough to curb a psychedelic. Melatonin or any other over the counter medication products do not have the potency to put the "trip" to rest."
Now turn to chapter 4 ....NO BILLY there are NO UNICORNS.......


Well-Known Member
My pick would be lsd. Just don't take too much the first time. Stick with 1 hit, if its all good in a week try 2. Have good surroundings and good people. My first time I ate 5 hits because my buddys said they were weak. Not the case. Luckily my parents were on vacation and we just swam in my pool the whole time. It was awesome. Swimming on acid is awesome. I've only tripped on shrooms like 5 or so times, I'm glad I got the experience but I prefer lsd and probably won't eat shrooms again. I also felt sick after eating shrooms like others have said. Its been 4 years since I've eaten acid and 8 since shrooms. When you are ready for bed eat a xanax it will help, if you don't take a xanax you definitely aren't getting any sleep.

Stoney Macgyver

Active Member
Acid is bomb! Do some research on it! It actually one of the safest drugs health wise, but not mentally. No adverse effects, just the trip is so long it can create windows for a bad trip. Be in a comfortable area, with some good friends, and your looking at one of the best days of your life. Shrooms are fun but a 1/8th of shrooms is really intence for somepeople, and I heard compare a 1/8th to a hit of acid... Ya fucking right!

Acid = No Taste,Not nasuea No Social Isolation(At least for me), BEST BODY HIGH EVER, and last all day! 6-8 Hour Peak Right?
Shrooms = Horrible Taste, Upset stomach, Intence Come Up, Peak, and the Come Down hits ya hard too. Ive kinda compared it to, If you smoked 20 bowls out of a bong your first time smoking and didnt pass out or feel tired.

Ive done both numerous times, and acid is winner IMO

The only reason

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I'm down to try , just don't want a bad trip
anyone know what's more common to have a bad trip on?
I would say shroom's are a more common bad trip, atleast within my circle of friends... Ive had plenty of bad shroom trips and only one bad acid trip, overall i will eat dose anyday over boomers..


Well-Known Member
i read once, probably on this website:

if you at some point don't feel like you took too much, you probably didn't take enough...

i always bad-trip for a lil bit on the way up... just the way it is...

if you don't know if you can handle the trip do some salvia. much stronger trip but lasts much less.... i had a guy freak out for the entire 8 hr shroom trip once..... not fun at all....