acid trip horror help!!


Active Member
alright jus thought this would be a good place to talk about this.

so i have to write a 6page horror story for my english class. the only thing i could think of is an acid trip gone bad. but about 5 pages worth. what im asking is for some ideas. whats some crazzy shit people have experienced.
i cant really relate to this b/c ive only done it once...but enjoyed it.

if this isnt the forum for this topic show me the way. need help tho asap. thanks


Well-Known Member
had taken micro dots once, and had a bad trip.

i was siting in my room with a friend who was also on it, and the walls look like they were gates, and the floor had smoke on it. i had smoke rings on my ankles. also look at my friend and his face looked sucked up like a skeleton. at that point i thought i was dead.

it was weird i felt at one point life i was in court for my soul and God and the devil were trying to win my soul. i also swore i seen an alien, and it was just my mom and my sister and i said damn i thought you were aliens. then when i turned they said its the ones you least suspect.

at one point the tv was showing a car chase on the freeway and i thought some how i was in an accedent. its hard to peice it all together in words. but its a crazy expirence.


Active Member
haha thanks guys. so yeah im starting to get some ideas. enybody have some ideas of there own they can throw my way? i mean this thing has to be 6 pages. i guess ill have it take place back in the 60's? enybody know how i could start the story.


Well-Known Member
there is a movie called Shrooms Shrooms (2006)

In it they take hallucinogenic mushrooms and bad things begin to happen.

It's not great but may help with ideas.


Active Member
thanks. ill go get that movie sometime today hopefully. my buddy alright thought of a good beginning. takes back in vietnam and they capture 2 vietnamese they force them to take lsd. plains start dropping bombs etc. idk its a start


Well-Known Member
I was at the trainstation, and evrything just seem'd like miles ! walking to the liquor store that was 5 meters away from me seem'd like it was miles away..

Even as i walk'd to the store it took me about 5 minutes....

^^ that was some funny shit..

Never trip'd bad but i guess some people would think thats kinda scary... ?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
You can talk about someone being out of state and taking acid with friends. THey go to a festival and he walks away, leaving his water and money behind, to go through a forrest and he gets lost when the music ends. Taking at least 4 hours looking and searching for the right campsite. Everything looks the same, you look at a map and it looks all crazy and is impossible to read, then someone tells you where to go and you forget everything they said seconds after walking away from them. Finally find the way back and are soo happy because you realized the acid lasted for atleast 24 hours strong and you could have been lost that whole time, with no water or food. Luckily it was only 4 hours lost but it was still crazy.......not that this has ever happened. haha
Yeah Bonnaroo was crazy but I had fun being lost, it made me feel so helpless and alone and it was a crazy feeling, I would intentionally scare myself here and there but I can really easily turn it around and feel better. I just couldnt find the way back to camp site 1. Even the police I asked didnt have maps and couldnt tell me shit. All the early arrivers got screwed


Active Member
lol thats a good idea. so i jus watched the movie shrooms. deff. helped me out alot. so i have about 3 good ideas that could work. i gotta start this tomm. so we'll see what happens haha. still open for ideas.


Well-Known Member
one time when i was trippin only bad tip i ever had it looked and felt like my veins came exploding out of my arms and wrapped around my throat and i had trouble breathing was scary it sucked

Crippy Crack

Active Member
I've only had one bad trip and it wasn't all bad. It kicked ass in the begining, but we fucked up and decided not to wait and eat it in the middle of the day, day tripping {weird!!!!} although i did trip at school twice now that i think about it, and had a great time!. back to story, the day went on and the trip was so intense we were at the beach {way to bright no glasses} the sand was neon sparkly . Trip still good, then sober buddy drives me and two other fucked up people back home hour and a half drive not to bad. we get home and started lighting bottle rockets, and thats when it changed for the bad. I started to feel weird, out of place, then i went to my friends mom,{who is cool and new we were trippin} and tried to talk, and every time i tried to say something nonsense came out just a bunch of jibberish so i stopped trying to talk and layed my head on couch and just watched tv untill i just like snapped out of it and could talk again. Fuckin Weird I still went on to trip prolly about a hundred more times, and i am planning to hit a cow field soon;) Peace:evil::joint::joint::joint::evil:


Well-Known Member
only bad trip i ever had all my veins came crawling out of my arms and strangled me and i couldnt breath then back then i always kept a bottle of thorazine i got from the vet to shoot someone if they tripped out but i left my stash across town so i hgad someone nring me some ketamine to shoot and it fixed the bad trip right up ;)