
Regardless...even if those 10 are only 50mcg each, 7 would be a serious ‘big boy’ dose - 350 is nothing to jump in with - and I would advise ANY first-timer not to take that big a dose. I would also advise ANY first-timer to only trip with someone who’s been through it *and* ONLY with someone you trust not to play games with you while you’re up (nobody told *me* that my first time, and I wish someone had). It’s NOT like being high or stoned or drunk or amped or whatever. Treat it with respect, treat yourself with respect. My experiences have mostly been pleasant, even wonderful, and some deeply insightful: but having recovered from a couple of bad ones, I don’t want another bad one. For one thing, trips don’t STOP because you decide you’re done now....

FTR, shrooms can be highly variable, depending on metabolism, and metabolism changes. Don’t just keep eating more hoping ‘something will happen’...because eventually ‘something’ will happen and you won’t be prepared.

Sorry to sound like such an old guy, but...I *am* an old guy, tripped a bunch over the years, learned a lot, mostly about what NOT to do.

Haha yea I still havent had a trip. Im on 2 different ssri's. Those shrooms were home grown by me. Everybody else ate 2gs and were golden.

I've got my tabs in the freezer
Okay, now we know: SSRIs will absolutely PREVENT a trip, and taking more won’t overcome it. Coming off of SSRIs is required - and really, don’t do that - you were prescribed them for reasons, and they are genuinely risky to just *stop*...again, been there. Be patient, you’ll get to a better place & have help stopping them safely. Worry about tripping THEN...and start off low.
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Idk if you guys went through the D.A.R.E program, but when they showed us kids all the drugs in a wooden utility box with compartments, I started planning my drug collection that day, needless to say I definitely got one and depleted it numerous times. The drug war is such a crock of dogshit

I remember that wooden display box. Like wtf would you show little kids drugs for? Lmfao

Okay, now we know: SSRIs will absolutely PREVENT a trip, and taking more won’t overcome it. Coming off of SSRIs is required - and really, don’t do that - you were prescribed them for reasons, and they are genuinely risky to just *stop*...again, been there. Be patient, you’ll get to a better place & have help stopping them safely. Worry about tripping THEN...and start off low.

I'm getting myself off them slowly. Ive gone cold turkey too many times without meaning to. I know SSRI's can hinder it. Thats why i was taking more shrooms.
I've had good and bad experiences with both acid and shrooms. I had a bad trip on one of my really good friends once and couldn't hang out with him anymore. He just creeped my out after. I felt really bad and I never really told him why I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Pretty sad.

A lot of the time when we did shrooms was when we couldn't find any weed, so that might not have helped anything. I don't know. I just won't fuck with that stuff anymore. I don't always have super positive thoughts.
Mushrooms without weed? Thats sad! :wall:
Always always err on the side of caution, yep you might blow your mind, then spend a long time looking for again, I would take one, than a few hours later see how you feel, it's not candyfloss ffs.
I recently just got some tabs and was curious as to how much a first time user should use? I can't get anything off of shrooms no matter how many i try...

I was told I should do 7 out of the 10 I got. Only because the person I got them off of said they usually do 5 and trip for a solid 12 hours. I wanna blow my mind. Ill be in a safe environment.
I would not advise taking that many. From experience you can’t “undo” the ones you take. So take too many and it can be life changing.
Acid storage is really important, keep it dry and somewhat cool

because it can go bad in a matter of a couple hours in a hot car or some shit FYI
Not so true. I have a sheet that was stored for five years in a baggie, probably open to the air, in triple digit temperatures for months every summer and I would say it's at least as half as strong as it was when new more like 80%. This is not the first time I've stored cid like that either, in a drawer with no thoughts and potency is hardly worse the next year. Just saying.
I'm getting myself off them slowly. Ive gone cold turkey too many times without meaning to. I know SSRI's can hinder it. Thats why i was taking more shrooms.
Been there myself...tried to take more, despite the advice of more knowledgeable friends - they told me it wouldn’t work, and they were right...tried going off by myself, likewise - didn’t work. Save your goods for when you can truly enjoy them!
So to shed some light on this post I was finally told the strength. Not sure i 100% believe them. 200-300ug per tab is what im told... so ill just stick with 1 and feel it out first. Hopefully I can take it this weekend.
200ug+ per tab is a heavy dose. It's not unheard of to lay them that high but it is not normal. I like to drop 225-350ug, depending on what I'm doing and what I have. That's after quite a bit of experience with it, though. I wouldn't recommend anybody to drop more than 200ug their first time. 100-150ug if it's their first psychedelic experience.
Those SSRIs will fuck with it but stick to one tab your first dose. You can always take more, but never take less. "Buy the ticket, take the ride."
Wait at least 2 or 3 hours before redosing and at least a couple weeks before dropping again.
With all that said it's now late Sunday. Did you get a chance to drop?
I recently just got some tabs and was curious as to how much a first time user should use? I can't get anything off of shrooms no matter how many i try...

I was told I should do 7 out of the 10 I got. Only because the person I got them off of said they usually do 5 and trip for a solid 12 hours. I wanna blow my mind. Ill be in a safe environment.
that person was having a laugh or is not your friend. 7 tabs, thats the crazyist thing ive ever herd, thank the universe youasked first, you dont want to end up in the loony bin for a time believe me, its not nice.
lookat the dosage section on erowid and take a gander at the art work andthe also look at the old tabs, pink elephants were crazy strong:D
LSD Oral Dosages
Threshold10-20 ug
Light20 - 75 ug
Common50 - 150 ug
Strong150 - 400 ug
Heavy400 + ug

I don't imagine this post was made because I said "heavy" but honesty, I was not aware that "heavy" was a tier of dosage. I was just pointing out that the amount of L on those tabs would be relatively heavier than the normal 75-150.

For those that haven't, >400ug is not something anyone in their right mind would take lightly. That's when you can start losing track of what is real and what is all in your head. Couple that with your eyesight being next to useless. Everything can be beautiful but, the fractals, strobes, and writing/faces on the wall can make things difficult. Seriously, if you wear glasses and take this dose, go ahead and take them off. This can be absolutely amazing or it can be terrifying.

OP, seven tabs of that would be 1400-2100ug. No. Don't. Even if they're 100ug, that's 700ug. Even at 75ug that's 575ug. Those doses should only be done by someone who has worked up the experience and has proper set and setting.

None of these doses can kill you if it's real L. There are people who accidentally took something like 50mg or something crazy like that. However, it can scare the living shit out of you. Complete and total fear where seconds feel like minutes, minutes like hours, and this goes on for hours. I don't want to scare anyone away but, it's not a joke. If you don't respect Lucy she will make you respect her. One way or another. Start slow, brother.
ive been to that scary place man, not fun

Same. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. Fortunately I had my wife that stayed up with me but, fuck. I treat dropping very different now. You hear references to bad trips on TV or whatever but in real life, it truly is something else. It took me over 100 trips before it happened and man was I not ready. Fuck that. Be safe out there.
Thanks for the reply I did drop one tab. Had a bit of waves going on in my vision. But nothing more. Ive been off my ssris a week. Ill be waiting about a month before I drop again. My step dad told me about the pink elephants. He only had a half dose and was tripping balls. Mine are black paper with like star symbols on them.. ill look into that site!

So the chick that said to do 7 was the chick my buddy got them off of. She does 5 for a dose. So im thinking they are not 200+ per. Unless my ssris are still active even after a week
Antidepressant drugs and their half-lives*
DrugHalf out of body in99% out of body in
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors
paroxetine (Paxil)24 hours4.4 days
sertraline (Zoloft)26 hours5.4 days
escitalopram (Lexapro)27 to 32 hours6.1 days
citalopram (Celexa)36 hours7.3 days
fluoxetine (Prozac)Four to six days25 days
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
venlafaxine (Effexor)5 hours1 day
duloxetine (Cymbalta)12 hours2.5 days
desvenlafaxine (Pristiq)12 hours2.5 days
Dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
bupropion (Wellbutrin)21 hours4.4 days
*Discontinuation symptoms typically start when 90% or more of the drug has left your system.
Source: Adapted from Joseph Glenmullen, M.D., The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and "Addiction" (Free Press, 2006).