
Have you done acid

  • Yes, still do

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Y

    Votes: 16 76.2%

  • Total voters
Always wanted to, but I've always been wary of heavily processed/manufactured "street" drugs. I had a few friends get bad batches of different things, one got bad molly, was like a vegetable for a couple week, just not there..and those instances always stuck out in my head..probably irrational, I know way more people who had great experiences. Mushrooms whenever their around buddies trying to get some Ayahuasca..that sounds interesting..
TESTKITS...15$ eBay
Be safe
I for some reason have a rather large tolerance for these hallucinogens, having to take much more than other people, the last stuff I had was Grateful Dead dancing bear tabs, and I ended up taking eight...
Toothpick dips are more fun..look into em...will be great with breakfast...
Sounds like great stuff. Almost like Mescalin. To Bad peyote is so rare.Mescalin is the best Iv'e ever had.
Try San Pedro,available at lowes,home depot,your local amusement park..
Best part is,its ready to trip on in 6months if you grow it right...peyote,7-8 YEARS..and its illegal...
U wanna be a spunion?? Lol

I've never done it because sometimes weed gets too much for me

Like when I smoked green crack one time I almost had a green out I took my usual 5 hit start up didn't feel anything after like 10mins took 9 more and as I went to take the 10th I was like fucking tripping from the first 5 and the other 9 came into effect 15mins after that

I was out of this world man lol I was legit tripping not stoned it was like drinking after smoking a good bit then with a bit of hallucinogen when I blinked it was like I had a dream that seem like it lasted for a few hours but when I would open my eyes it was only for 10mins

Shit wasn't good lol

And I made spice/K2 once and it really messed me up psychological wise

I don't want to talk about it just thinking about it is ruining my buzz lol

It ruined my highs from weed for the past year its gone now I got over it
Take acid and never flip out on weed again,for then you will have had reason to flip out,and know from experience its just weed and you're high...
If jwh is a reason you wont take acid,know that comparing the two is like comparing a fine joint of proper dank,or huffing gas to get high..not even the same game,so I won't mention the ballpark....
Stop listening and assuming,start reading and know...could change your life..look at Steve jobs...
Do you really smoke weed? I don't think you do!..

Naw man when I get high I feel a good sensation thru my whole body and everything I can think about is fascinating I also get like this depth perception thing where everything looks like a pop up book

but I almost had a green out that day it was more trippy then the mids I get lol I was just sharing the two times ive been tripped out and saying how I couldn't handle acid plus I dont try to get high most times I just go for a buzz and maintain it all day

the green out happened when I moved to Florida cuz I hadn't smoked in nearly 4 to 5 weeks and I went from nothing to dank shit and it fucked me up hahaha

I've never hallucinated off weed until that day hahaha that was just wierd or I've never smoked as much as I should lol but it wasn't a paranoid high it was like I was in a new place

Added with the k2 I made that ruined the past year for me as far as smoking and the shit I saw if you want to trip your tits off and be physiologicaly and emotionally scarred PM me and ill tell u how to make it
Take acid and never flip out on weed again,for then you will have had reason to flip out,and know from experience its just weed and you're high...
If jwh is a reason you wont take acid,know that comparing the two is like comparing a fine joint of proper dank,or huffing gas to get high..not even the same game,so I won't mention the ballpark....
Stop listening and assuming,start reading and know...could change your life..look at Steve jobs...

it wasnt jwh
I really liked how it made drinking massive quantities of alcohol relatively was great for doing all kinds of things to excess..hmmm
Dick,cock,pecker...all the same shit fucking you up.
Funny're like "shits horrible,fucked me up bad.."
Then you're like "p.m. me for directions on how to make it.."

:p yeah i was saying that so people who think im bullshitting can learn whats its like lol

ill tell you the chem it was

it wasn't no bullshit jwh

hold on i have it written down somewhere in my sock drawer lol
I wouldn't promote anybof that shit and BTW bro,jwh is generic term IMO for spice...there's hundreds of different synthesised jwh type chems...shittons of just jwh variations,and spice,k2,insert marketable name here,are all the same smell,just different turd...
Dick,cock,pecker...all the same shit fucking you up.
Funny're like "shits horrible,fucked me up bad.."
Then you're like "p.m. me for directions on how to make it.."

i seem to have several written down i remember buying 2 out of these 5 cant remember exactly which one was the one i tripped off of the other one didnt give me much of a buzz:

2c e
Ndimethlsegan (or m)ide i cant tell if its an N or a M thats why put a (or m)

and the last has dip spit on part f it this is all i can read

2cbfy nb

ik i got the aco dnt one but the other one idk i email the chemical company with the list and they said it would 250 in total and i only got two and got ripped off

one came in a powder form the other came dissolved in alcohol i believe

that day is really hard to remember

i remember opening it emailing them and snorting the powder shit then after a hour of waiting i went to spraying the shit on some like herb shit it didn't come with labels and i remember researching each one again but i forgot it was a year with a couple months when i did it

i joined this site not long after when i was kick off of grass city lol the day i was kicked is when i did the chems

look them up try them out fuck it man yolo right??? lol
i seem to have several written down i remember buying 2 out of these 5 cant remember exactly which one was the one i tripped off of the other one didnt give me much of a buzz:

2c e
Ndimethlsegan (or m)ide i cant tell if its an N or a M thats why put a (or m)

and the last has dip spit on part f it this is all i can read

2cbfy nb

ik i got the aco dnt one but the other one idk i email the chemical company with the list and they said it would 250 in total and i only got two and got ripped off

one came in a powder form the other came dissolved in alcohol i believe

that day is really hard to remember

i remember opening it emailing them and snorting the powder shit then after a hour of waiting i went to spraying the shit on some like herb shit it didn't come with labels and i remember researching each one again but i forgot it was a year with a couple months when i did it

i joined this site not long after when i was kick off of grass city lol the day i was kicked is when i did the chems

look them up try them out fuck it man yolo right??? lol
Fuck that noise bro, that shit sounds scary to me...
I wouldn't promote anybof that shit and BTW bro,jwh is generic term IMO for spice...there's hundreds of different synthesised jwh type chems...shittons of just jwh variations,and spice,k2,insert marketable name here,are all the same smell,just different turd...
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no i wasn't going for cannaboids then

at first yes but that seemed sketchy i had to ask around and i found the chem company in china what i expircnced was not a weed high it was a vivd and awful hallucinations im done talking about it

im not one to hijack a thread

im thru talking about this call me a bitch or a newbie whatever i dont give a fuck man
Oh yeah. I used to take it regularly and go to rave parties in the mid to late 90's. Gel caps were popular. Who hasn't eaten a half sheet of blotter because they thought they were bunk, I think just the corners got dropped or something. Because I did end up tripping, just wasn't spectacular for 40-50 hits