We are all in the same boat here..well most of us anyway..I'm hesitant too because I was in a private group and read a comment about a guy who started around 70 plants someone called him in and though he wasnt charged they took them all and of course destroyed them. I'm glad he wasnt charged but I dont understand why they didnt just leave him alone. 70 plants is a lot of money through seeds, utitlities and medication costs to lose. HC should atleast give a wait time or if they changed the time to grow from when they approve it instead of the Dr's prescription date, should atleast email you on the day it's approved so you can start, and then send the certificate through the mail.
Curious to know, did anyone here have an inspector come by and check out your rooms after your certificate was recieved?
Youre dambed if you do and possibly dambed if you dont. So much for legalization, should be called taxinization. Through ACMPR I'm a medical impatient
Being part of the ACMPR will see them screw you in the end...less than 5 years! ...
in 35 years... of this deal. I have not personally seen someone go down for growing pot!..

TONS goin on that no one ever finds out about.

and some fucked up form of safe-heaven

BEST WAY GOIN................. SAME OLD SAME OLD..
all back to square one here folks with PRO 2 in the works