AC's First Bubbleponic Grow


Ok guys here is the run down this is my first Bubbleponic grow. My closet is the spot where I decided to put the plants in. Im using a 400W MH/HPS Light, with two fans for air movement/ventilation. Im using the DutchMaster Gold Grow A B and the Max as well as the Flower A B and Max. Im using Thrive alive to help stimulate better root zone developement. 2 10 gallon tubs, 3 plants apiece, 2 air pumps, 2 water pumps and 2 airstones per tub, gotta keep those roots healthy. Please feel free to comment or criticize. The pics include, a tray that im using to grow the seedlings to tranplant into the bubbleponic setup, hydroton awaits them. and also pics of the inside of my system and the little ones that are coming along oh so nicely.


Elite Rolling Society
Looks great to me!

I use a Bubbleponics system, and I start my seeds in the system, in rockwool cubes, in hydroton, in the grow cups.


I have definitely checked out your bubbleponic setups Roseman, your half of the reason I decided to go bubbleponic, you and the GreenMonster off of Grasscity forums. And here are some pictures of the little ones inside the unit, everything attached, drippers hooked up to a timer. What do you think roseman....3xa day for 15 mins each or twice a day? and when the roots establish in the water turn the drippers off? Anyone else feel free to check it out/comment. and right now im cutting holes for my 2nd bubble tank for some more happy seedlings, Jock Horror in the 2nd one.



Elite Rolling Society
I have definitely checked out your bubbleponic setups Roseman, your half of the reason I decided to go bubbleponic, you and the GreenMonster off of Grasscity forums. And here are some pictures of the little ones inside the unit, everything attached, drippers hooked up to a timer. What do you think roseman....3xa day for 15 mins each or twice a day? and when the roots establish in the water turn the drippers off? Anyone else feel free to check it out/comment. and right now im cutting holes for my 2nd bubble tank for some more happy seedlings, Jock Horror in the 2nd one.
I'd feed them VERY often, matter a fact, I run my water pump 24/7 feeding them.

I wish I could persuade you to visit this thread >
My DIY Bubbleponics DWC

and post pics of your DIY system and sjare some info for the new members to see.
You got an awesome system.


For you Roseman, I will not only visit and post, I will put up a quick how-to easy and simple to build this system and how very very cheap the materials are. Stay and visit regularly as I have time to post daily and share some insights.


Alright, I posted a how to on your impressive DIY DWC thread roseman, and am currently making my second tank. Keep in mind guys this is a small scale personal stash grow out of my closet, and the strains are Jock Horror from Nirvana, Master Kush from Nirvana, and Fem Orange Bud from Attitude Seed bank, I think Dutch Passion is the breeder but im not really sure atm.


lol 1 visitor besides myself to my little journal here......gettin lonely but anyways guys here comes a pic update of the little ones, and the second pic also has 2 starte plugs with some jock horrors



Well-Known Member
Hey, looks like you've got it going on! I'd like to try indoor some time, planning on doing soil since I'm used to it, but I'm definitely going to read that writeup because I really like the looks of this system.

Besides the light and ventilation, how much did it cost to set this up?

You said this was your first bubbleponics grow, what other experience do you have? Looks like a great start and you have some interesting strains, can't wait to see them start to put out!


Ive got some outdoor experience and indoor soil grow experience, but sometimes it can tend to get a little messy so I decided to go with this indoor set up. The entire thing including light and household materials was under $450, most expensive things were the nutrients and the Light. 400watt MH/HPS Of course you could go with a cheaper nutrient line, Dutch Master can be slightly pricey. The light also cost $130. so counting out those two I would say around 150-200 including some seeds and everything you need to get it rolling.


Well-Known Member
AC i love your setup, very nice bro:clap::clap:

Can you check out my 2nd journal and help tell me if i shiuld start flushing my indica now?

I got an ECO PLUS Commerial Air Pump, 690 gallons per hour, with a 4-way splitter to 3/8" tubing. Two tubes, two air stones, per 5 gallon bucket. The indica has one 12" air stone you get at walmart (like roseman's), and 1 heavy duty chubby fat air stone. The sativa has two fat chubby air stones (work 150% better than the walmart ones). Its basically a jacuzzi in each bucket (especially the sativa)


So guys, due to popular demand.....*cough cough* here is a daily update of the little ones.

With some consideration to Roseman's genius input with his extensive knowledge of bubbleponics system, I upped the feeding schedule, and I REALLY think the little ones are taking off.

Props to all the other NC growers out there and if only I knew how to give rep.....



Well-Known Member
This looks interesting. :) Found your thread via your how-to on Roseman's "DIY Bubbleponics" thread; great post! I love how simple these are, and the babies grow so fast and happy! :D


Alright guys, sorry to keep you waiting, had a long night. Anyways it just seemds like daily the 3 in the tank just explode with growth. Now I also have some little seedlings ready to be put in the tank. the small middle seedling that hasnt reallly started yet is a feminized California Hash plant, aand the seedling on either side are more Jock Horror's, I also have 5 feminized California Orange bud seeds that I just stuck into the starter plugs after 5/5 germination. I also have a feminized Blue Hash plant that is happy in its starter plug.

So the moral of that story is that I need at least 2 more 10 gallon tubs, 9 plants under a 400 watt MH/HPS any thoughts out there? of course if some of the jocks are males then thats an end to them.



Well-Known Member
Looks good ac. I also am restarting a bubbleponics do to bacteria bulid up in my ressi so i threw it away and started over with better mods. i posted some pics of the new system i made and my set up. My little ones go in tommorrow so i wish you luck with your grow.

