'Active Duty Discharge' The military is purging experienced personnel on flimsy excuses

I'm telling you from first hand experience the first time you are hungry enough to think about stealing food it changes your perspective.

yes it does and i'm not ashamed to tell you that i've had to do this in the recent past.

but i want you to take a close look at the first quote in my signature and read it..think about what was going through his mind typing it..his HATRED for poor people like us.

he is a true ENEMY of 'we the people'.
Except the FBI statistics that show it split up along racial lines that disagree with the statement.

Youre missing what I'm saying though, the long term oppression of black people, etc lead to a higher per capita rate of poverty which leads to a higher per capita rate of crime.

Then as a member of that group you'll naturally be assumed to commit more crime by the sort of low IQ people who become cops, because they don't understand everything is far more nuanced than they can intellectually comprehend.
She liked my post so naturally now I've to assume I got it horribly wrong...
Maybe it is a combination.

I get what your saying. I see and hear it all the time here where I live. Anyone of color is evil to people here.

I love living out in the country but I times I hate being around such ignorant people.

I went to Walmart on a Sunday right about the time all the churches let out.

A Hispanic fellow had a flat. He put a spare on then another tire went flat.

He had a beard and actually looked more Muslim. No one out of hundreds of church goers stopped to help the man. He had a wife and baby and it was close to 100 degrees out.

We went in and got some tire slime and fixed him up to where he could make it to the next exit where a tire place was open.

That's the type that live here.
When you enter into a discussion, the person telling the story doesn’t have to prove anything to a doubter. If my story about you in untrue then prove it, bitch

I don’t have to prove anything about anything you drool out of your keyboard.

You are a known dirty complaining liar.

No one with any sense cares what you say about me.
not my job to cite your claims.

you are making a liar out of yourself, meth boy

tell your fat and sickly wife i said "you're welcome" for the free healthcare too

You have crossed the line. You are now lower than dirt. You are but a child crying in the background.

And you still ruin every thread you post in. And your point is lost every time.

3 people agreeing with you does not win any elections.

Please resign before you get worse.
Hour after hour and day after day you come here and whine what a victim you are, buck this and buck that, toughen up a bit sissy boy.

Even the comments I just posted are to his attacks and lies.

Pay attention.

Can’t you see it’s messing him up bad. It’s his own stupid ignorant game. He is frustrated and losing it quickly.

Don’t you find that entertaining?

If he stops and apologizes to my wife it will stop. Blame the agitator. He is in the wrong.

Or do you condone insults about our wives here?
You have crossed the line. You are now lower than dirt. You are but a child crying in the background.

And you still ruin every thread you post in. And your point is lost every time.

3 people agreeing with you does not win any elections.

Please resign before you get worse.
Why is it so bad to call your fat and sickly wife fat and sickly?

She is
Why is it so bad to call your fat and sickly wife fat and sickly?

She is

You are scum. Pure useless scum. Sorry I hurt you so bad you resort to this. I really thought you would be better at this.

It has ruined any chance of you being taken seriously.

You are already universally hated and ridiculed.

You actually acted worse.

And you want to know one person at least that doesn’t want to vote for someone you support.

My wife has gone independent. Good job buck. Tell your employer how well you do here.
You are scum. Pure useless scum. Sorry I hurt you so bad you resort to this. I really thought you would be better at this.

It has ruined any chance of you being taken seriously.

You are already universally hated and ridiculed.

You actually acted worse.

And you want to know one person at least that doesn’t want to vote for someone you support.

My wife has gone independent. Good job buck. Tell your employer how well you do here.

You must have missed my post earlier about people patting themselves on the back?