Actually giving thanks- Join me

Since insurance companies can't be fucked to work weekends in this half country, I need an admission of liability by lunch time so I can get a hire car sorted. As far as I know, the insurance company doesn't actually need his say so to accept liability, and I can't see that inspection of the vehicles affects who's to blame.

They're all cunts. All of them.
They are being difficult on purpose! For some reason I thought your wife was Polish!?! And of course I thought you smoked together so sorry abt that.

I'm hardly driving at all now. It's been a year and unless I drive in the morning/daytime I'm too scared they will catch me again. My name will go in the computer and out with another test. 2 mins later and I'm caught red handed. There needs to be a limit.

It's good that you are finding out loads about him. Id be tempted to print up the daughters one and out it thru his door!! Followed by a local leafleting brigade!
They are being difficult on purpose! For some reason I thought your wife was Polish!?! And of course I thought you smoked together so sorry abt that.
Polish Grandfather, that's probably where that came from. We must have talked about it at some point.
She seems to trip off my buzz when I smoke. Quite funny being teased for being stoned by someone who's just as bad but hasn't even smoked anything!
I'm off it now for a while, don't need my head running away with itself and making a mess of my sanity. Good to take a break every once in a while anyway.