Adam Lanza's mother


Well-Known Member
Ooooh, 5 guns not 6, preparing for social and economic collapse instead of an asteroid, what the!

I guess you missed the part that said
Reports claim Mrs Lanza had spoken of her fears about her son Adam's behaviour less than a week before the attack

I knew I was wasting the 10 seconds it took to prove your ass wrong, your brain is incapable of logic and reason.
You proved yourself wrong, now you're butthurt.

Guess what? Apparently Ms Lanza was trying to get her son institutionalized.

And the bolded part, what does it mean as evidence of anything? She saw that her son was getting worse, not better and she told someone, what does that prove?

Reports claim you live in your mom's basement and weigh 400 pounds and shove barbie dolls in your ass, thats all the proof I need right?

Reports CLAIM means there is no evidence whatsoever,

thanks for playing.


Well-Known Member
You proved yourself wrong, now you're butthurt.

Guess what? Apparently Ms Lanza was trying to get her son institutionalized.

No DramaLama, proved your ass wrong. Havent you learned anything from your idol Romney? When you're in a hole, quit digging.


Well-Known Member
No DramaLama, proved your ass wrong. Havent you learned anything from your idol Romney? When you're in a hole, quit digging.
Reports claim you have the intelligence of a amoeba
Studies suggest you are amoeba

I just proved you are actually an amoeba

Reports claim it to be true.


Well-Known Member
He certainly exhibits behavior of delusional paranoia, no wonder he is against any type of mental health evaluation for gun owners.
Mental healthy evaluation for gun owners? Adam Lanza owned no guns at all, some good that would have done. You don't really get too excited about whether or not your arguments make any sense at all do you?


Well-Known Member
Mental healthy evaluation for gun owners? Adam Lanza owned no guns at all, some good that would have done. You don't really get too excited about whether or not your arguments make any sense at all do you?

If you possessed any type of reading comprehension you would know I said that his mother was nutso and should not have had a gun.

Is there a reason you keep trying to twist reality?


Well-Known Member
If you possessed any type of reading comprehension you would know I said that his mother was nutso and should not have had a gun.

Is there a reason you keep trying to twist reality?
What evidence do you have that she was "Nutso"? you have documentation from a psychiatrist? Let me guess? It is your OPINION? Guess what? Your opinion doesn't amount to a hill of beans when trying to show evidence of whether or not something is true.

Preparing for a perceived collapse in the economy does not make one "Crazy" if anything it makes them prepared in case it does happen. You don't spend all of your money on beer soon as you get paid right? You save some for bills and food and whatnot right? In other words you "prepare" for those things by not buying just beer. Its like saying people who maintain their cars and change the oil and what not are wackos to think that their cars would break down. You change the oil on your vehicles don't you?


Well-Known Member
It does no good at all attempting to have a discussion with these right wingers. They will blame every damn thing they can come up with except the elephant in the room, guns. They accept children getting killed as collateral damage just so they can cling onto their guns. I'm still waiting for one of them to explain their definition of 'well regulated militia'.


You proved yourself wrong, now you're butthurt.

Guess what? Apparently Ms Lanza was trying to get her son institutionalized.

And the bolded part, what does it mean as evidence of anything? She saw that her son was getting worse, not better and she told someone, what does that prove?

Reports claim you live in your mom's basement and weigh 400 pounds and shove barbie dolls in your ass, thats all the proof I need right?

Reports CLAIM means there is no evidence whatsoever,

thanks for playing.

WOW you are a republican.


Ursus marijanus
sooooo if someone has anxiety, they shouldn't own a gun? If someone has ADHD, no gun? How about dyslexia? After all the person might confuse safe with full auto kill everyone in the room mode. Low intelligence? Where do we stop?
You really want one of these? cn


Active Member
Why is it important? I don't know, maybe because 26 people were killed and it may have been something that could have been prevented had she taken proper steps to make sure the guns were secured.

Don't give me this "liberal host" bullshit. If someone wants to own a gun, there is an onus on that person to make certain that their weapon is safe and secure at all times. It kind of comes with the territory, don't ya think?
if your car is stolen (lets say by someone with out a license) and they hit and kill 26 people with your car? Should you be liable in the same way?


Active Member
I suppose this is why conservatives think banning abortion, drugs, prostitution, will work...... Oh the irony.
except killing people is banned....

your example would be more accurate if it read "I suppose this is why conservatives think banning sex, drug related equipment, sex, will work..."

banning guns to prevent murders (which are banned) is the same as banning sex to prevent abortion or prostitution.


Well-Known Member
if your car is stolen (lets say by someone with out a license) and they hit and kill 26 people with your car? Should you be liable in the same way?
Absolutely, that is why everyone should hire a former soldier returning from Afghanistan to provide 24 hour security on each and every car, because you can't be too careful.


Well-Known Member
if your car is stolen (lets say by someone with out a license) and they hit and kill 26 people with your car? Should you be liable in the same way?
If I didn't take reasonable precautions to prevent that from happening, then yes! If I left my keys in the car, and then my car was stolen by some drunk dude and he mowed down a family of 5, there would be blood on my hands.

Having said that, there should be even more onus on a gun owner. A car is explicitly made to transport people. A gun is explicitly made to kill people .... but according to some, as long as you have that piece of paper allowing you to have your gun, you've done all that is necessary and don't have any further obligation to be a responsible adult.


Well-Known Member
If I didn't take reasonable precautions to prevent that from happening, then yes! If I left my keys in the car, and then my car was stolen by some drunk dude and he mowed down a family of 5, there would be blood on my hands.

Having said that, there should be even more onus on a gun owner. A car is explicitly made to transport people. A gun is explicitly made to kill people .... but according to some, as long as you have that piece of paper allowing you to have your gun, you've done all that is necessary and don't have any further obligation to be a responsible adult.
So its a double standard? "Reasonable precautions" for your car, but by god no matter what precautions you take with the guns, if they get stolen then it MUST be the fault of the person who took precautions.

Gimme a fucking break. You don't think the majority of guns were made to hunt and plink? LOL you are dreaming if you think the 10 million Marlin model 60 .22 rimfire rifles were built so you could kill another person. You really think shotguns were made to kill people? They were made to shoot birds taken to wing.