add or dont add


Here's a newbie question....I've had 2 grows now with the AG. But im not seeing the results that i should be getting.. Am I suppose to add the 6500 K bulbs and the 2700 K at the same time? I know the 6500 is for veg and the 2700 is for flowering. So what I did was started with 4 6500k cfl and then when it came to flowering I replace the 6500 with 4 2700k cfl. Any info would be great...Thanks


Active Member
Sounds like allot of bulbs, You should not need both bulbs, You are correct 6400 for veg and 2700 for flowering.

How far away are they and what is the temp on your AG deck? Any weird stuff going on with the leaves? curling or changing colors? Does the plant look perky or droopy?


the light are about 4 or 5 inches away. the deck reads 75 degrees. The second batch of plants lost all the fan leaves. but the buds themselves were fine...when the plant was ready to harvest i didnt have to trim anything, they were already gone..the buds were nice tasting and good nice good high that lasted for hours.. I did change the fertilizer to foxfarm tiger bloom. could it be that? i was giving them 2 teaspoons once a week, i was flushing once a week as well...I just getting ready to start a new batch and i dont want to make the same mistakes...


Well-Known Member
Stella420: Frankly I don't think you should have to do either. You bought a complete growing system and that's really the benefit of it. If you bought the seven holes model with the tall arm/light stand, (24 inches), and the hood with three flat CFL's you shouldn't need additional lighting. I have found that reflectors adjusted to a critical angle will give you light to the lower portions of your plants that is frequently shaded by the large upper fan leaves that grow during vegetation. Those reflectors do increase flowering. But what has your experience been in the part? What results do you think you should have had? I find that a lot of people think they're going to grow seven 'big' M/J plants in an Aerogarden and that's just not reasonable.


Active Member
Well sounds like everything is ok as far as temp goes. You are PH'ing correct? between 5.5 and 6.0 is ideal. Also I would look into the possibility that you are feeding too much. I dont use foxfarm, but 2 teaspoons sounds like alot if you are just dumping it into the AG. I would suggest getting a gallon of distilled water, adding nutes based off of what stage the plant is in, but I would only add 30-50% of what the instructions tell you to add, then PH the water, drain your ag and add the new water in.

What stage are your plants in now?


my plants reached there final stages and the results were very light buds...Im not expecting to get a shit load of weed from it..i just want better buds..i only grow 2 at a time. I think it is the nutes that i used.. I did get better results uses the nutes that came with the AG.. i'll try again


Active Member
If you are useing the liquid nutes that come with it. I think it's the same as the General Hydroponics 3 part keeping it simple line. That is best to use in the AG. Also did you add a air stone to the rez. If not you want to. A Ph of 5.8 give or take .20 or so is a must. If your going to go with the GH nutes. Just follow the keeping it simple chart on there web page.

Good luck and good grow

P.S. Keep 1 of the 6400k bulbs on it for flowering. Should help.


Well-Known Member
Stella420: I love my A/G's but it takes a while to get the best out if them when you're growing M/J. That's not really what they were designed for. My advice is to forget the A/G nutes for growing M/J. They're okay to start your plants and for vegging but there's too much guess work and you'll play hell trying to force flower them. Technaflora's "Recipe for Success," has everything you need from germination to harvest and a sample kit costs only $30 and in an A/G it will last you a long time. It's very user friendly and I think you'll like the results. Regardless of what nutes you use: use good water, put in an air stone, change your nutes weekly and correct your pH daily.
If you want to increase your yield you can add a lot of different lighting but if you bought the seven holes A/G with the tall 24 inch arm/light stand and three high intensity flat CFL's you shouldn't need anymore lighting. Put some reflectors around you A/G to send the light back up to the lower portions of your plants and you'll have buds all the way down to the planting deck. That will increase your yield dramatically. Originally I used mirrors but there's a weight problem there with the glass and when you break one there's a mess to clean up not to mention the seven years bad luck. I bought some waffled white plastic lenses for recessed lighting from Home depot, cut them down to size and glued 2 mm Mylar to them and they seem to work just as well as the mirrors. And they're light as a feather. Tell us more about what you did and maybe we can all help each other.
Happy new year and good luck.