Add to my checklist please :)


Active Member
So i am collecting Everything i need before i start my first grow

Stuff I Have

Light's - 300W CFL Red With Reflector - Im Growing Two Plant's At Once (Hopefully Enough Light)
Grow Tent - Went For A LAB80
Seed's - Went For Red Dwarf And Easy Ryder (Short Auto Fem's)
Miracle Grow Soil
Bio Bloom
11L Sqaure Plant Pot x2
Razor sharp Sizzor's (For cutting when Harvesting)

Stuff I Need

Some Sort Of Fan System And odur Control (Not sure how many of what i really need)
Small Oscilatting Fan To Circulate air inside Tent

Not Sure Of What Else I need just yet but all advice and addition to my list is welcome


Active Member

Easy Ryder -

Red Dwarf -

But i have heard that these stink alot so im going to keep them but not grow them straight away im actualy going to get some Big Buddah Automatic Which I hear have a low smell

Big Buddah Auto -


Active Member
Yeah somebody told me to get rid of MG and go for john innes #2 or BioBizz Organic Soil
Im growing autos and told i won't need veg food or veg lights.
dunno where to get measuring Equip
will get a ph tester
Have a timer but forgot to add it to the list
whats the ex cords ?