Added VIDEOS of my GROW. Comments PLEASE!!


Well-Known Member

:leaf:+:joint: =:eyesmoke:








Well-Known Member
thanks alot man i'm trying. This is my first time so I'm really excited to see how they turn out. just hoping neither are males. :?


Well-Known Member
Ok it's been 3 days. Here's the newest video.


Let me know what you think.
The plants were topped 48 hrs ago. The one looks great but the other...not so much. Did i do something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Joe. I love watching the videos from the first one to the last to see how fast they're actually growing. This is my first time ever trying to grow and I am HOOKED!!!! Gonna get a few projects going soon. I'll keep 'em all posted.


Well-Known Member
Writing this again ust so I keep all the videos together but everyone seems to be writing on my other post. Oh well.
Hey guys,
After topping using UB method I knew I did one right and the other I wasn't sure about. Now it's kinda looking like I did them both right. What do you think?



Well-Known Member
3 day video day. Babies are happy in their new home. 2 plants with 4 colas one possibly has 6. can't wait to see.



Well-Known Member
It's 3 day video day again. One plant, named her Daisy, has 4 main colas. Damn near looks like 4 plants actually. The other one has what still sppears to be 6 main colas. I illustrate this by grabbing each one in this video. Let me know what you think. Also after I took this video today, I realized that the 6 colas on the one plant need more light to their inside so I decided to trim the large fan leaves off. Comments? Good idea, Bad Idea?


Oh by the way I hope you like the music I added to the videos, listening to the fan blowing in the mic and me breathing was a little annoying so I decided to spice it up.
Gives them a more dramatic feel I think, lol.


yo how did u make the lights im trying to configure them right now and did u take like an old lamps set up and just use a splitter


Well-Known Member
Hey all its time for another video. Hot off the press the first video since the box update. My babies seem to be loving it!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi Hi Hi my Droogies!!(love clockwork orange)
It's time for another video.
So I think Alexandra got nute burn. What do you think?
As always feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hello all!
Time for a new Video.
They're looking a little sad cause I just got done pruning them but I'm sure they'll be looking splendid by tomorrow.


Comments por favor!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys here's what we got. :-?
So I looked at a lot of lst'd plants and what not and was gonna go and tie back my main colas so the bushy undergrowth could kick in.
Then i got to thinking my plants are pretty far along. I did a lot of work to get them where they are. And they look good!!
Might as well go ahead and start to flower them so we can see what we got.
Then my mind wandered again and I thought hmm well since I did work so hard I might as well get as much yeild as I can out of them
so I'm gonna go ahead and tie the colas back.
Then as i was stretching the stem out for their tying I got to thinking yet another time and I figured that since these colas are so nice and thick they're gonna produce some nice buds if she's a she so I wanna just go ahead and let them grow so I'm not gonna tie 'em back.
you see my innner struggle here... :roll:
so my final decision was to stretch out the limbs real good (pre watering of course) and I pulled them apart without tying them back...
so I did that and then watered them and set 'em up so the lights were getting the new growth as well as the old. Decided to let 'em veg this way til at least next wednesday to see where they come to on their 7th week bday. Set my timer back up for 18/6 and left them alone to recover from all my man handling of them when it occured to me that it's been 3 friggin days and I needed to take another video. So I took a quick little 30 second clip cause my girls aren't too much to look at right this second. but I am trying to do these videos through the rest of the grow without skipping any so I gotta do something. So please I don't wanna hear any new members to the site saying how my plants look like shit and they need water or light or fert or whatever. They're healing and we're all coping with the loss of time here. :-(
So anyway here's that video...

as always comments welcome


Well-Known Member
Hey all ok so since I was clearly shaken from the state of my plants in the last video I posted, I decided to go check on my babies today.
I am no longer shaken. Matter of fact, I'm feeling quite happy. Wanna see...

Whatcha think???
It always amazes me what a difference less than 24 hrs can make!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys internet is acting a damn fool so I'm gonna try to do this quick.
Here's the next 3 day video. Unfortunately I'm an idiot and didn't take a 2nd video. As I was looking at my plants today I got to thinking that daisy's(the bush) new growth areas are plentiful but they're growing on stretched stems. So I did a bit or pruning to hope that even more light can get inside. I did luckily think to take pics. Anyway I think this is obviously gonna set me back even further on the flip to 12/12 but I think it was for the best. Am I right? Did I do the right thing to ensure maximum buddage??? Anyway here's the video:


They look nice but once I got to looking I could see the stems were weak and stretched so this is the pruning I did:

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Well-Known Member
Okey dokey fellow smokies it's time for another video!
So because I was in the sun all day yesterday I was friggin beat when I got home. I did manage to take the video and even put it on youtube but editing and uploading was out of the question, lol
So here it is. Edited for your viewing pleasure.
Day one of flowering!!
