Adderall XR


Don't use anything as a cover or a crutch. Fuck adderall, it will only make you extremely moody, and you will never eat or sleep. So many kids are addicted to that shit and its nothing to fuck around with. Do some meth if you want an amphetmine high. Same thing.
Be confident in yourself and your abilities, other people will recognize this and you will see a difference, but only if you commit to yourself. Smoke some herb if it helps you calm down, but dont use adderall. Nothing but an easy copout for a doctor who has no solutions or ideas of his/her own, just write another prescription and send em out the door.


i was perscribed it when i was in kindergarten :leaf: had to get ekgs every year to make sure my heart was ok :leaf: i was horribly underweight in 4th grade i still legally had to ride in a carseat. :leaf:not to menton it turned me into a zombie . :leaf:

i took it all the way until 8th grade when i started smokin weed and i decided i didnt wanna take it anymore. so i just sold it at school i had know idea i was swallowing 5 bucks every morning haha. i just dont think doctors should give kids speed for years
Well said dude. Sorry you had to be a guinea pig.


Well-Known Member
exactly though if you take depression pills all day and stop youll be depressed with weed it helps with the depression and if you dont have it you dont have horrible side effects or withdrawl so unles your a doctor shut up please


Oracle of Hallucinogens
exactly though if you take depression pills all day and stop youll be depressed with weed it helps with the depression and if you dont have it you dont have horrible side effects or withdrawl so unles your a doctor shut up please
First off, there are side effects to everything (including marijuana) and there is also withdrawl is you are addicted to smoking weed and you stop, which causes anhedonia (which makes you more depressed than you were to begin with).

Instead of trying to cover up something with substances, how about you try to find a cure to it. And if you must use a substance to do so, maybe you should try psychedelics to actually try and see what creates the problem so you can try to reverse it.

Don't use anything as a cover or a crutch.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yuuuuuuuuppppppp mr doctor your so right man. differnt people have differnt reactions.
If you are going to use my own words against me, atleast please come up with a response that is worth the time of anyone on this site reading instead of a counterproductive, passive-aggressive post.

People see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear.. if you think marijuana has zero side effects and zero forms of addiction/withdrawl you are just as ignorant as those that make anti-marijuana propaganda commercials.

Brilliant speech Shepj. Truely brilliant.
Thank you sir. Welcome aboard ;-)