Adding Flavoring (extracts) to pre-harvest watering?


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year Plant Lovers!

So I've been seeing random posts about adding flavors and/or extracts to the very last watering before harvest. I'm talking within a few hours of the plant getting chopped down. There is actually a pretty detailed article (forgot exactly where I saw it) that talks about letting the plants get nice and thirsty during their final days then watering with extract laden water like four hours before harvest. The theory is, since the plants are already thirsty they drink up the "flavored" water very quickly. By the time the plants are cut a few hours later the flavoring has already been soaked up. Some juices and extracts may effect pH (think acidic lemon juice)but since it's only a few hours before harvest any pH issues don't have time to really impact the plant.

To me it sounds too good to be true, but so does getting over 9oz of dried and cured bud from a 3x3 tent - and folks do that all the time.

Has anyone ever tried this? If so, did it really impact the taste? Did it require a longer cure? Did it impact how the buds burned?

I'll be doing a Super Lemon Haze grow from seed later this year. It would be awesome to get an extra flavor boost by adding some lemon extract or something right before harvest. That said, I'd hate to ruin a successful grow and a great strain just because I wanted to try a cheap trick at the end.

Let me know what you guys think. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the exact same thing. I used to vape a lot and got into making my own juices just because I can have exactly what I want and it cost 50 cents for 30 ml's or something when i broke it down to price. I personally am gonna try and spray the concentrates directly on to about a ounce once its chopped down and see how it turns out. In theory it should have the flavor in the bud. Then an ounce during curing, and im talking about a tiny spray. These concentrates are VERY strong.

Watering it directly into the plant is useless I think. Its kinda expensive for 15 ml's lol.

The flavor apprentice is one of the largest places to get high quality food grade flavor concentrates. Out of many flavors I've ordered I've never had a bad flavor from them.

Ill let you know how it goes in a couple weeks haha. I've been dieing to try it out.

elwood bubble

New Member
Happy New Year Plant Lovers!

So I've been seeing random posts about adding flavors and/or extracts to the very last watering before harvest. I'm talking within a few hours of the plant getting chopped down. There is actually a pretty detailed article (forgot exactly where I saw it) that talks about letting the plants get nice and thirsty during their final days then watering with extract laden water like four hours before harvest. The theory is, since the plants are already thirsty they drink up the "flavored" water very quickly. By the time the plants are cut a few hours later the flavoring has already been soaked up. Some juices and extracts may effect pH (think acidic lemon juice)but since it's only a few hours before harvest any pH issues don't have time to really impact the plant.

To me it sounds too good to be true, but so does getting over 9oz of dried and cured bud from a 3x3 tent - and folks do that all the time.

Has anyone ever tried this? If so, did it really impact the taste? Did it require a longer cure? Did it impact how the buds burned?

I'll be doing a Super Lemon Haze grow from seed later this year. It would be awesome to get an extra flavor boost by adding some lemon extract or something right before harvest. That said, I'd hate to ruin a successful grow and a great strain just because I wanted to try a cheap trick at the end.

Let me know what you guys think. :peace:
this did not work for me , but good luck ! :)


bud bootlegger
well, why not, after all, they do put orange in my venti frappachinno from starbucks, and it tastes like, well, poo...