Adding Molasses/Sugar to Increase Yield?


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,
What is your opinion on adding molasses to your resevoir during the last 2 weeks of flowering to increase bud density? Have you tried it? If so, with what results?


Well-Known Member
I am no expert so please wait until some of the more experience growers weigh in with their comments but i'll bump you with this comment.

i heard you should not use molasses in a hydro system mostly because of clogging (other growers say molasses is a myth and not necessary - genetics is the key).

Again, I am repeating what i've heard and read on this site - not speaking from experience so please take this advice lightly but thought you could use the bump.


Well-Known Member
plants turn co2 and some other thing i forgot into sugar which is what your adding. So why give the plant something that they make on their own?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, I've used molasses in my reservoir many times, with no problems. It does raise the pH though. And I use ebb&flow, so no sprayers to clog.

The product I've used is part of a 3-part nutrient line made by B'Cuzz. The bottle called Flavor is primarily sugar beet molasses.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its like feeding your plant thc to help it, would you feed your plant thc in a soluble form to increase its yield or whatever it is? If that is possible new strains with higher thc percentage would set standards.